We are now in the throes of euphoria by vaccine makers and there are even vaccine wars. Very politely done. The diplomatic way, which means that one particular vaccine made by one particular country is not ‘valid’ in another.
We find this out when we try to travel and the whole new world of subtle vaccine battles emerge. Without weapons but deadly nevertheless, because our bodies become the battle grounds.
In this backdrop let us ask ourselves some basic common sense driven questions:
Is this Covid-19 vaccine drama really necessary?
Why do we think it necessary?
Will it cost our country and how much and for long?
What is ‘scientific’ anyway and were we not ‘scientific’ when ancient civilisations developed systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani?
Were we not ‘scientific’ when structures such as the Sigiriya and the ancient pyramids of Egypt were built according to certain ‘scientific’ methodology.
Have we not got our own expertise that kept our ancestors healthy throughout our ancient civilisation and are these not effective to date to create our own unique defences for Covid?
Are we aware that there are hundreds of weda mahattayas/weda nonas of the Sinhala Wedakam/Lankan Ayurveda tradition who have treated thousands of Covid patients in Sri Lanka and abroad and that none of them have died?
Why are we blind to our Deshiya Chikitsa/Sinhala Wedakama that make up the unique Sri Lankan Ayurveda?
Have we come close to thinking how a correct awareness and a practical use of a national treasure like our ancient medical heritage for Covid-19 could do for our tourism?
Is the Covid pandemic not an extremely profitable opportunity for big pharma/vaccine making companies?
Do we know of the intricacies of this particular vaccine and the ‘boosters’ and if it complicates and regenerates new ‘viruses’?
Are we looking into these questions by putting ‘Western science’ and its purported superiority to proper use?
Are we aware that the ‘vaccines’ and its history actually go back to Lankan/Indian/Chinese medical heritage and that there is at least one wedamahattaya; Laxman Embuldeniya who has created an oral vaccine using ancient Sinhala wedakam knowledge (which is now being courted by several foreign countries).
Isn’t Covid-19 a disease that becomes dangerous only when we are a people ignorant of the nature of our bodies and our medical heritage and adopt wrong lifestyles?
Why are those who are vaccinated dying the world over?
Do we know the thousands of herbs, plants, leaves, fruits and tree bark that for centuries have functioned as immunity boosters that saved humanity of plagues far deadly than this Covid-19?
Are we aware that the modern Western medical industry is not based on the proliferation of such knowledge?
Are we aware that Westerners who take annual flu shots for winter have extremely low natural immunity?
Why are we copying them by only choosing the route of vaccines?
Are we contemplating seriously enough the dangers of giving vaccines to children?
Are we aware of examples such as Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who refused to get himself vaccinated to attend the UN General Assembly and spoke out against the vaccine industry money making that could occur in the name of Covid?
Are we aware that Singapore declared an ordinary flu status for Covid and refused four months ago to follow the Western Covid fear mongering route by stopping the daily Covid cases reporting?
Are the statistics we see on Covid the world over really correct?
What do we know about the positive and negative side of the vaccines that were hurriedly manufactured for Covid?
Are we aware that Bill Gates had predicted new viruses as bio weapons and the need to come up with vaccines, several years ago?
How aware are our local policy makers of the many highest level vaccine researchers of the Western world who have spoken out against the dangers of the current haphazard vaccine trend?
Have we as a nation discussed these concerns as highlighted by Western scientists with the World Health Organisation (WHO)?
What is the role of our media in this regard?
Are we following the global news that warn about the massive dangers that climate change could cause triggering major health disasters?
What are we doing about it?
Why are we in this country looking at health and food security as two different entities?
Shouldn’t water, food and health security be one?
Why is Western medicine not treated as alternative medication – should not Western medicine be the alternative to cultures such as ours?
Why have we ignored our thousands of indigenous physicians (Wedamahattayas/Weda Hamines) of this country which was historically known as an ancient medical hub?
Who taught us to laugh at the practical use of our heritage and label it as ‘non scientific’?
Why are we wearing masks on our faces and not thinking of the masks in our brain?
Are we teaching people that we should not constrict our lungs when not wearing the mask and that we should breathe very deeply to ensure our lungs are cleared well of impure air?
Have we focused and researched enough how growing trees and being close to nature could serve us best to improve immunity and promoting this?
Have we focused on the health hasard careless garbage disposal will have in a time of pandemics?
Are our policy makers/media/environmentalists/health specialists aware of the hundreds of used masks on our roads, beaches and parks?
Are we prepared for brain eating virus types that have emerged in the West and recently in India?
If we are so scared of a flu mimicking virus and unable to come up with our own strategy to tackle it, how can we handle far more deadly diseases?
Are we aware that lethargic dependency costs us money and national security in the form of encouraging diverse international agendas and bullying?
Are we aware that ancient Tribal communities such as the reclusive Kogi community of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains in northern Colombia had made several warnings in the past three decades of newfangled diseases that would emerge unless Westernised modern man stops abusing their mother, the earth?
Are our media and politicians following what Western media states about how climate change could define human health (the Washington Post carrying one of the latest such information).
Why are we not addressing this issue of climate change and health in our own country by taking a cue from our ancient kings who focused on water/soil security for food security and thereby integrated the medical security of the nation?
Why are we not aware that although we are purportedly ‘independent,’ that we are now ‘controlled’ not just through ‘war crimes allegations’ but through ‘medical advice,’ ‘cultural advice’ and ‘economic advice.’
Why are we not having a national plan to revive our systematically and strategically destroyed indigenous plants (Deshiya Beeja)?
Why are we not promoting on a mass scale at policy level ancient concepts such as Dharmika Govithena and Maha Polawata Aushada Govithena that private indigenous entities such as Hela Suwaya are practically carrying out.
When will be learn that by being blind to our ancestral heritage knowledge that we are destroying ourselves far worse than the colonisers and neo colonisers?