Taking a novel approach to commemorate Children’s Day, Stop Child Cruelty Trust (SCC) launched the ‘#JustANumber Child Protection Month’ to increase awareness of the fundamental rights of children through various public programs.
One of the key objectives of this advocacy campaign is to compel Parliament to change the Penal Code on Cruelty to Children, especially following the Supreme Court’s recognition of corporal punishment of children by schools as unlawful and a violation of a child’s right.
To bolster the purpose, SCC will also join hands with like-minded Civil Society Organisations and Non-Governmental Organisations to form Sri Lanka’s first Child Protection Alliance.
The highlight of the virtual event was the introduction of the first initiative taken under the #JustANumber Child Protection Month - a National Art and Speech Competition. The competition aims to create a platform for children six years up to 18 years to share their own, unique perspective on the country’s child protection and encourage them to get involved in the decision making related to their welfare. For more details regarding the competition, visit www.facebook.com/groups/211381800981039.
Chairperson of Stop Child Cruelty Trust, Dr. Tush Wickramanayaka said, “Even with the rise in child abuse on our paradise island, the authorities appear to be crippled in their efforts to protect and promote our children’s rights. Child protection is a collective social responsibility.
Stop Child Cruelty is fully committed to becoming the powerful force behind increasing knowledge and engagement to empower Sri Lankans across the country to recognise the child as a rights holder.”
Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga was the Chief Guest.
Emeritus Professor of Law and former Vice Chancellor at the University of Colombo, Savithri Goonesekere was the keynote speaker at the event.
The #JustANumber Child Protection Month will host a range of events including a series of online forums that will take place every weekend until November 20.