LOVI Ceylon’s ‘Fashion Story’ walks the ‘Olympic Ramp’ | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

LOVI Ceylon’s ‘Fashion Story’ walks the ‘Olympic Ramp’

1 August, 2021
Niluka and Tehani
Niluka and Tehani

With the onset of the Tokyo Summer Olympics and all the attendant hype which is a combination of Olympic fever as well as an outpouring of relief that despite the pandemic, life is beginning to show signs of some semblance of normalcy, Sri Lanka and LOVI Ceylon are making history.

With Sri Lanka sending her largest ever delegation to the games, despite the prevailing difficulties due to the pandemic, we are making history; as for the first time, our team wore our National Dress as they paraded the Olympic stadium, and this is due to the brainchild of Asanka de Mel, the founder and CEO of LOVI Ceylon whose farsighted thinking and initiative have resulted in our boys and girls proudly marching in our National Dress - a historic occasion.

“Like many children, I loved watching the Olympic games on TV and dreamt of somehow representing Sri Lanka one day,” said de Mel. “Even if not as an athlete, I am thrilled to be part of this global event by supporting these extraordinary players as well as the dedicated coaches and officials leading the effort.

The fact that LOVI is responsible for showcasing our National Dress on the Olympic stage is indeed one of the proudest moments of my career,” he said.

Inspired by the notion of Olympic harmony, LOVI designed the Team Sri Lanka outfits based on its Unity collection for the global stage. The maroon, orange and green colours of the Sri Lankan flag are handwoven with gold lines signifying diversity and strength.

LOVI’s trademarked gold crown represents sovereignty and the ambition of our new generation to be world class.

A special label reads, meaning Sri Lanka in Japanese in honour of the host country, Japan. “A limited-edition collection will soon be available for LOVI fans, enabling them to get into the spirit of the Olympics”.

De Mel said that, “the Olympics represent the best of the human spirit in action. Our athletes are inspiring future athletes to be the best they can be, because we can! It’s our mission to support all Sri Lankans striving for that level of excellence and LOVI wishes all the Olympic athletes the very best at the games this year - we are proud of you and honoured that LOVI can play a part alongside you at the Olympics.
