Board & Lodging Available
Parents with fixed income are admitted to the Mallika Elders Home newly opened branch beside Pannipitiya Nursing Home reserve your room. 0774 990 224,0753990224 /0766395727.
Room,attached bath,small cooking space with sink fully tiled,separate entrance,water,electricity,200 m Galle Road,Angulana roundabout. One month advance. 27/16,Telawala Road,Ratmalana. 0112 634361.
Luxury Apartments / Houses / Condominiums for Sale
Apartment for sale - On 320,tower 3,Union Place,25th Floor,1013 square feet,02 bedrooms,02 bathrooms,maids room & bathroom,kitchen and utility room,fully furnished,no brokers. Contact name: Thomas,Contact No. 0765611500.
Building Construction / Matrials
Laying concrete slab using valuable plywood shuttering with all raw material - 525/= per sq.ft. accepting contracts for construction of houses and buildings from the begining Rs.3950 per sq.ft. all constructions done with guarantee for a reasonable price. H.P. Construction,Polgasowita - 0725337562,0756206185 finishing roof and ceiling work done.
House & Property - Colombo District for Sale
Angoda Walpola - 18 1/2 perches 4 rooms separate annexe,upstair house dual garage all facilities available for sale. 47.5 mil. Contact 0773226228.
Apartment (3 bedroom + servants room) for sale in Borella Town. 1800 sq. ft. 35 million. Tel: 0773080311.
Bambalapitiya - Bambalapitiya,Kollupitiya,Wellawatte,Thimbirigasyaya office space,houses,buildings available on rent. 500,5000,10000,30000 sq.ft. with parking. 0776306726.
Land and Buildings for sale in Maharagama,Weliwata and Colombo District and Insurances consulting services . 0777910201,0773532614 residential business purposes. No brokers.
Nawala Koswatta,De Melwatta Road 6.5 perches land & 2nd Lane 8.5 perch land for immediate sale. 2.9M per perch. Contact 0714426684 /0777139056 or +6147816324.
2 storey house for sale. 4 B/R,2 bathrooms,20P land,electricity,pipeline,near 20 million,negotiable. Contact: 0779588307.
House & Property - Matale District for Sale
Matale MC limits Higgolla Seewali Mawatha 24p land for sale 150m to Matale Kandy Kumbiyangoda Road,two individual blocks considered. Highest bidder. 0773242330.
House & Property - Colombo District to Let or Lease
Annexe 2 bedroom. Double + Single bed. Hall,kitchen,bathroom and small backyard on Galle Road,near mount Keells. 0773113221.
Dehiwala Quarry Road,first floor 3 B/R two washrooms Master B/R A/C 1500 sq.ft. independent house separate gate and stairway luxury fittings hotwater fitted pantry rent 50,000/=. Close to Galle Road. 0776534237.
Kottawa,1 km Malabe Road,fully complete house for lease (3 rooms and large garden available). More suitable for business. 0718870274 /0762926963.
House & Property Wanted
Land wanted 12-14P from Maharagama,Cancer Hospital Area,Boralesgamuwa,Pannipitiya for house construction decent neigbourhood. 077-7004606 Email: chamika.jayagm@gmail.com
House & Property Wanted on Rent/Lease
Wanted 3BR single house in Nugegoda,Kotte,Pita Kotte,Beddagana,Maharagama. Contact: 0775336160,Minimum advance.