Country needs Basil to revive economy - Dilum Amunugama | Sunday Observer
“Successfully fought terrorism and continued country’s development”

Country needs Basil to revive economy - Dilum Amunugama

11 July, 2021

State Minister of Vehicle Regulation, Bus Transport Services and Train Compartments and Motor Car Industry Dilum Amunugama said that since we are economically in a bad situation with the Covid-19 pandemic and trying to get out of it, SLPP founder and National Organiser Basil Rajapaksa’s expertise on economic affairs could be used right now.

The State Minister in an interview with the Sunday Observer said that when the battle against terrorism was on and initially Mahinda Rajapaksa took oaths as the then President, there were so many issues faced by the military and they were running at a terrible situation. Economically too, the country was in a very bad position.

However, the combination of Mahinda Rajapaksa as then President, Gotabaya Rajapaksa as then Defence Secretary and Basil Rajapaksa as then Economic Development Minister managed to raise funds and get all the necessary arms and ammunitions to successfully fight against terrorism and continued the country’s development drive.

Finally, they ended that task by taking the country’s economic growth to 7.5 percent. Therefore, SLPP founder Basil Rajapaksa’s re-entry to Parliament and accepting the Finance ministerial portfolio is a very timely decision taken at this juncture because we all know he is a good operator during bad times.


Q: The farmers say although the Government has taken a decision to ban the chemical fertiliser, it has failed to provide adequate stocks of organic fertiliser. Your comments?

A: The organic fertiliser has to be produced. Now they are manufacturing it. You can see all the local councils and other institutions have already started producing organic fertiliser. Obviously there is a shortage of organic fertiliser right now because the production has just begun. Technically there cannot be a shortage of chemical fertiliser for this season. The chemical fertiliser quota for this agriculture season has already been imported.

There is an artificial shortage created by the companies that import chemical fertiliser so that they can continue their protests on the road and then push the Government once again to allow them to import a certain amount of stocks for the next season.

Otherwise, this season, we should be able to operate on artificial or chemical fertiliser as that whole quota has already been imported within the country.

So, this is an artificial shortage of chemical fertiliser created by the importers and they are just trying to push their deal through all sorts of media so that they can get some sort of authorisation to import chemical fertiliser for the next season as well. Actually, this is what the shortage is all about.

Q: How do you view the recent statement made by SLFP General Secretary State Minister Dayasiri Jayasekara that the present Cabinet of Ministers were appointed by SLPP National Organiser Basil Rajapaksa?

A: The SLFP quota of ministries was given to its Chairman, former President Maithripala Sirisena. He is the person who decided which ministries to be given the SLFPers from the slot he got. My personal opinion is whatever Ministry is given; you should be able to perform.

According to Dayasiri Jayasekara, his ministry is not a good one and SLFPers such as Mahinda Amaraweera and Nimal Siripala have been given good ministries. All these were decided by his party Chairman Maithripala Sirisena and not by SLPP National Organiser Basil Rajapaksa.

I think Dayasiri Jayasekara is heading the wrong way. There were negotiations with the SLFP and certain ministries were given to the party. So, the party members to hold those portfolios were entirely decided by their party hierarchy and not our by National Organiser.

It was Maithripala Sirisena who had decided that Dayasiri Jayasekara should have this ministry and not the SLPP National Organiser.

Q: The No Confidence Motion (NCM) against Energy Minister Udaya Gammanpila to be debated in Parliament on July 19 and 20. Is the Government confident of defeating the motion?

A: Yes. We are very confident of defeating it in Parliament by an overwhelming majority.

Q: However, the SLPP General Secretary MP Sagara Kariyawasam has said that the party stance on Minister Udaya Gammanpila should take the full responsibility for the recent fuel price hike and to step down remains unchanged. Is there any conflict of ideas among the coalition parties regarding the issue?

A: No. There is no conflict of ideas among our coalition parties. That is the SLPP General Secretary’s opinion. What he says is that though he maintains that stance, if any NCM is moved against the Government, obviously he will also support to defeat it. Therefore, if the NCM is against the Government, SLPP General Secretary Kariyawasam will also vote against it with us.

Q: How do you view the re-entry of SLPP founder and National Organiser Basil Rajapaksa to Parliament at this juncture?

A: It was a very important and vital decision taken at this time. Because as you know SLPP founder Basil Rajapaksa is a good operator during bad times. When the battle against terrorism was on and initially Mahinda Rajapaksa took oaths as the then President, there were so many problems such as the military didn’t have weapons, ammunition, vehicles and they were running through a terrible situation.

Economically too, we were at a very bad stage. The combination of Mahinda Rajapaksa as the then President, Gotabaya Rajapaksa as Defence Secretary and Basil Rajapaksa as the Economic Development Minister, managed to raise funds and get all the necessary arms and ammunitions to fight against terrorism and continued the development drive while the battle against terrorists was going on.

Finally, they successfully ended that task by taking the country’s economic growth to 7.5 percent. So, that task was able to be fulfilled because of the coordination and the performance of these three eminent personalities.

Since we are economically in a bad situation with the Covid-19 pandemic and trying to fight get out of it, SLPP founder Basil Rajapaksa’s expertise on economic affairs should be used right now.

Most of the Government members have worked with him when he was the Economic Development Minister. Though the SLPP National Organiser Rajapaksa was not in Parliament, he had been actively involved in the governance. So, I don’t think anyone will object to his coming back to Parliament and trying to help the Government to get out of this economic situation.

Q: Is there any clash of opinion among the coalition parties of the Government as reported by certain sections of the media?

A: We are a coalition of 15 political parties. Obviously, there can be different views and ideas. But at the end of the day when we take a decision, we have the ability to take a collective decision. When it comes to SLPP National Organiser Basil Rajapaksa entering the Parliament and handling the economic affairsof the country, there is no objection or different views of any party members regarding that.

Q: Chief Opposition Whip MP Lakshman Kiriella has said that Sri Lanka is in a crisis due to economic mismanagement of the present Government. Your views?

A: He is somewhere right when he says that. Sri Lanka is in a big mess because of the economic mismanagement created by the former Yahapalana Government and not by our Government.

We are trying to manage what they mismanaged. So, MP Kiriella is correct to a certain extent. But it had been mismanaged by them and the economy which was taken up to 7.5 percent was brought down to mere 3.2 percent during their tenure and handed over to us about eight months ago. So, the economy has been seriously mismanaged by them and this is what we are trying to manage. That is why we need outstanding politicians like Basil Rajapaksa in Parliament to get out of this crisis.

Q: Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has said that the Government kept the door open for anyone to leave, if he or she didn’t agree with its policies. Would you like to comment on this?

A: We are also of the same point of view. Because we didn’t force any party to come into a coalition with us or to contest with us. It was on their request we allowed them to contest with us. If they came and joined hands with the Government as they wished, if they want, they can go out the same way.

Q: Is there any truth in the media speculation that the World Bank has downgraded Sri Lanka to a lower middle-income country?

A: I don’t think there is any truth in that. Because you can’t lower countries’ ratings during a pandemic. Normally, that is not done. The World Bank doesn’t do such things. I think when someone comments on that, they should be held responsible because the World Bank or IMF doesn’t start rating countries during a pandemic.

This is what some people don’t know. There is no truth in that. But economically, we are in a bit of a crisis and we can’t say no. Not only us, the entire world is in an economic crisis due to this Covid-19 pandemic. We are also facing the same issues but we are trying to manage ourselves out of it.

Q: Some say there is a lack of a vibrant Opposition in the country which acts in unison with the Government during a natural disaster like the Covid-19 pandemic irrespective of their political differences. Would you like to comment on this?

A: It has never happened in Sri Lanka. I think if the Opposition can’t extend their support to the Government, they should at least extend their support to the public.

They have not been able to distribute even a single pack of dry rations to their supporters. They just come in front of the media and condemn each and every move done by the Government.

The Government is managing welfare to a certain extent while the Covid-19 vaccination program is going on. In addition, in difficult times during the pandemic, the people are given two dry rations packs which is worth about Rs.10, 000.

Quarantine centres are managed to a certain extent. Even amidst these trade union strikes; we have been able to manage the health sector. It is very clear the Opposition is behind these strikes.

I went on the internet and wanted to see whether there had been a strike anywhere in the world during this pandemic. But Sri Lanka is the only country where certain sections of the health sector had gone on strikes by demanding pay hikes and other benefits during a pandemic.

The pandemic doesn’t come all the time and the people don’t get into this sort of situation every now and then. So, it is the responsibility of every political party irrespective of race or colour to extend its support to the people and not the Government.

It is very obvious through the strikes that are going on right now, the Opposition has launched an offensive against the people and this is very disappointing.

Q: Has any request been made by the private bus operators to increase the fares due to the recent fuel price hike?

A: Not really. Actually, I would be grateful to them. Initially, they didn’t request a bus fare hike. But when we discussed it with them and explained the situation, we told them that we cannot put the entire weight of it on the passengers.

Then they agreed and didn’t make a big fuss about it. We also in return have promised them that we will not increase the bus fare but we will decrease whatever they have to spend such as spare parts, batteries, lubricants and insurance as well. Due to that word given by us, they have cooperated so far.

That is why we are trying to get some sort of concession package for them as soon as possible. However, I must thank the private bus operators as they are not acting like the Opposition. They are cooperating and working with the people.

