Chief Government Whip and Minister of Highways Johnston Fernando said that if the main Opposition Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) is really concerned about the country’s forward march, they would have raised both their hands and supported the Colombo Port City Project.
Then the people would have also respected them and they would have also earned some credit for it. The Minister in an interview with the Sunday Observer said as they successfully defeated terrorism, the name of Rajapaksas will be once again written in history once they complete the Port City Project.
The name of the SJB led Opposition will also go into history as those who opposed the country’s development. The Opposition which cannot tolerate the significant development to be made in the country through the Port City Project is trying their level best to sabotage it. They somehow want to stop this project until they form a Government even after a lapse of another 25 years.
Q: It was the UNP which introduced the Greater Colombo Economic Commission Bill No.04 of 1978. Why is the main Opposition SJB opposed to the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Bill introduced by the present Government?
A: The SJB is well aware that through the Port City Bill, a lot of foreign investment and a massive economic development will be made within the country. This will also pave the way to create a large number of employment opportunities and the country will move towards a new era of development. The Opposition which cannot tolerate this significant development is trying their level best to somehow sabotage the Port City Project. They know if the country is developed, they won’t be able to engage in their political campaign and win future elections.
Q: When MP Champika Ranawaka was the Megapolis Minister, he told the media that a special legal framework will be drafted to create a specific administrative structure for the Colombo Port City and that there is no intention of bringing it under the purview of the Colombo Municipal Council. Your comments?
A: According to them all what they did during the tenure of the Yahapalana Government is right. However, whatever good thing is done by Rajapaksas is also bad for them. This is because of their petty-minded politics and they don’t think of the country. If they are concerned about the country, they would have raised both their hands and supported this project. Then the people would have also respected them and they would have also earned some credit for it. Similar as to the way they successfully defeated terrorism, the name of Rajapaksas will be once again written in the history once they complete the Port City Project. The name of the SJB led Opposition will also go into history as those who opposed the country’s development. Each person who steps into the Port City will know the Opposition was opposed to the project.
Q: The Opposition says that they are not against the Port City Project but this is not the appropriate piece of legislation to proceed with it. Would you like to comment?
A: These are absurd arguments. If foreign investors are brought into our country, we should create the necessary environment conducive for them to commence their business ventures. The passage of a Bill in this manner would create a lot of confidence among the investors as the Port City Commission would facilitate all their requirements under one roof.
As we practically know, sometimes it takes several months to get an approval from Local Government institutions and some other Government institutions. Therefore, through the structure created by the Port City Act, we will be able to attract investors. Otherwise, in a situation like this Covid-19 pandemic, it is not easy to attract investors. They are also concerned about the benefits and security given for them through a Bill. If we just introduce a Bill, the investors won’t come to our country.
That particular Bill should have necessary provisions to attract investors. That is why the Government introduced and passed the Port City Bill by covering all those aspects. When the construction work on the Port City project commenced, the Opposition alleged that the area from Colombo to Negombo will be inundated and the fisheries industry will be destroyed due to this project.
During the tenure of the Yahapalana Government, they said under the Port City, a special administrative zone will also be created. Actually, they attempted to market the Port City as a project introduced by them and they didn’t even mention the name of the Rajapaksas. By doing all those things, now the Opposition says this is not the appropriate manner to move the Port City Bill.
Q: The main Opposition SJB has said that they will continue their protest against the Port City Project until the Port City Commission is held responsible to Parliament and come under the supervision of COPE and COPA. Your views?
A: There is no such issue as highlighted by the Opposition. The Port City will also come under the purview of the law in our country. The sole intention of the Opposition is somehow to sabotage this project. They somehow want to stop this project until they form a Government even after a lapse of another 25 years. All these baseless allegations on the Port City are levelled by the Opposition to mislead the people.
The Port City Bill has been drafted by fully adhering to the existing laws in the country. Whatever Bill cannot be moved or passed without the approval of Parliament. It is very obvious, whatever Bill passed in Parliament directly comes under its supervision. However, the Opposition cannot understand this simple logic.
Q: Education Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris told the media that the Port City Bill has been passed in Parliament with two thirds majority but the votes of Minister Ali Sabry and State Minister Jayaratne Herath have not been counted. Has the Government drawn this issue into the Speaker’s attention?
A: Yes. We have already done that. The SLPP General Secretary MP Sagara Kariyawasam has also complained to the Speaker. Two thirds majority is not required to pass the Port City Bill in Parliament. We moved this Bill by making all necessary amendments. However, a lot of injustice has been caused to the Government as a result of counting votes. We have a serious issue with regard to the counting of votes.
This is the third time such an incident occurred in Parliament. Therefore, this is not a healthy thing for Parliament democracy. A proper inquiry should be conducted regarding this with immediate effect. If the number of votes from one to 150 cannot be counted properly, it is a very serious issue. Actually, it was Justice Minister Ali Sabry who moved the Port City Bill. If his vote has also not been counted, it is a very serious issue.
Parliament should be held responsible for this. Therefore, we have already complained to the Speaker. Earlier, the Opposition also said that now the Government is not in a position to obtain two thirds majority in Parliament. This is a clear indication to them as to how the Government has maintained its two-thirds majority in Parliament.
Q: The doctors and other medical experts say there is no scientific basis to have short term travel restrictions in arresting the spread of Covid-19 and stress the need to impose at least a 14-day travel restriction. Your comments?
A: The President would take the most appropriate decision after consulting doctors and other professionals. It seems we have imposed a 17-day travel restriction. The Government would resort to the most appropriate move. Always decisions are taken by the President in consultation with the experts in the field. However, if we lockdown the country or not, some people are putting the blame on the Government and this is not a new phenomenon.
Q: The SJB calls for the Government to convene an All-Party Conference to discuss the current Covid-19 situation in the country. Is there any need to do so?
A: I don’t see there is any such need. What the SJB had suggested was that the Co-chair of the All-Party Conference should be given to Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa. The Opposition has an issue with regard to a chair and not to take action regarding Covid-19. That is why they have asked the Co-chair of the conference. The Opposition doesn’t have an honest intention to sort out the Covid-19 pandemic.
Otherwise, they will not protest against the Port City Bill in front of the Parliament when these restrictions are put in place. They have an ulterior motive. They want the people to die and the economy collapse from Covid-19. That is how they continued their political activities in the recent past. Therefore, there is a huge question with regard to the sincerity of the Opposition.
Q: How do you view the comment made by UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe that there is a need to think afresh and formulate a new program to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka?
A: When they were in power, they couldn’t even control the spread of Dengue. After the UNP led Yahapalana Government came to power, over 200 people died from Dengue within a few months. They couldn’t even clear the garbage in Colombo. If we also think like them, we will also have to face the similar fate faced by them. They are a group who ruined even their party and its leader. So, what else can we expect from them?
Q: What is the delay to implement the recommendations of the Presidential Commission which probed the acts of political victimisation that occurred during the tenure of the former Yahapalana Government?
A: There is another Committee report to come. When that report is released, those recommendations will be implemented. We hope that the Committee report will be released soon. Those days a large number of politicians in the Joint Opposition including Basil Rajapaksa, Mahindananda Aluthgamage and I were remanded. In addition, various harassments were made against President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and other Rajapaksa family members by framing bogus charges.
They were also questioned by the CID. Some prominent Bhikkhus, intelligence officers, Police and three Armed Forces officers, state officials and artistes were imprisoned. The former Yahapalana Government harassed not only their political opponents but also Government officials and some other prominent people in the society.
They acted by completely going against the Constitution. We should not forget as to how they acted by appointing those Commissions and forming institutions such as the FCID to take revenge from their political opponents. They deliberately caused a lot of mental agony to the Opposition politicians.
We should never provide any room for such incidents to happen in the future. However, those who resorted to such acts should know they will have to face the repercussions. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is a very democratic leader. Therefore, action against those who had committed any wrongdoing will be taken by fully adhering to the existing law in the country. The incumbent Government has given its utmost priority to develop the country. That is why there is some sort of delay to take action against those who had committed such acts of political victimisation.
Q: Don’t you think in a natural disaster like this a responsible Opposition should extend their support to the Government irrespective of petty political differences?
A: The present Opposition always attempts to sabotage the Government’s program. If they can sabotage the ongoing development, economy and law and order situation, that is their only intention. They think only those who are in the SLPP will get Covid-19. They also think the Covid-19 pandemic emerged in this country as a result of this Government coming to power.
At present, this Covid-19 pandemic has become a global phenomenon. It has become a challenge to nature and all human beings. Over thousands of people have died in the world’s powerful countries as well. However, our Government and the President have taken correct decisions to control the spread of the pandemic.
As a result, during the first wave of Covid-19, we were among the five best countries in the world which controlled the pandemic. During the second wave, we were among the ten best countries. Even during the third wave, the Government is trying its level best to control the outbreak.
Therefore, a responsible Opposition should extend their support to the Government irrespective of political differences to come out from this crisis situation. Instead of doing so, the Opposition doesn’t even adhere to the health guidelines. During the first wave of the Covid-19, they commenced their protest campaign at Kalutara. Even in a natural disaster like this, they do their politics and always look at it from a political perspective.
Q: Certain sections attempt to portray that there is a political crisis within the Government as some constituent party leaders make some controversial remarks to the media. Would you like to elaborate your views?
A: The constituent parties of the Government have freedom to express their views. We have no intention whatsoever to provide room to create yet another Yahapalana Government which ruled the country during the past five years.
Whatever statements are made, as the Government, we all are heading towards one goal. Otherwise, the constituent party leaders don’t make statements with the intention of joining hands with Sajith Premadasa and his group which ruined the country, committed the Central Bank bond scam and allowed the killing of hundreds of innocent people on 2019 Easter Sunday. Whatever political differences are there, all the constituent parties voted in favour of the Port City Bill and they are committed to protect the Government and the President.