Gay teams enter cricket arena | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Gay teams enter cricket arena

14 May, 2021

A piece of sporting history is set to be made in Birmingham on 23 May, when two LGBTQ cricket teams face each other for the first time.

London-based Graces will take to the field against Birmingham Unicorns for a 40-over game at Weoley Hill Oval.

The match - supported by the England and Wales Cricket Board - represents the first time two LGBTQ+ cricket teams will play each other: not just in the UK, but anywhere in the world.

For more than two decades, Graces were the world’s only inclusive cricket club.

Founded in 1996, the team provides a space for LGBTQ+ people to enjoy the sport while not having to hide who they are.

Not everyone was supportive - in 2000, the club received national media attention after complaints from the “horrified” family of WG Grace about using his name without asking them.

The club themselves responded by saying they were “pioneering”, just as Grace was - and have continued to grow since then.

“It is an atmosphere where you’re completely free to be you,” says chairman Leo Skyner.

“You have a passion for the sport, you have your identity, and it’s entirely non-judgemental and welcoming.

“It’s important that we’re playing good cricket, but equally, the social network and support is deeply important too.” (bbcsport)
