Business Opportunities
Real estate (land sales company) is seeking for investors/business partners to invest in their land sales projects. Terms negotiable. 0777707150,0777707130 greenhomeslk@gmail.com
Professional Constancy Services
Lady teacher,animal lover willing to be with a lady/children. 0770351835.
Positions Vacant Accounts/Finance
Wanted newly formed company to multi-task-maintain Accounts /Secretarial work,fluent in Excel,Word and English. Salary 25,000/=. Email CV to kmsintl@gmail.comwalk-in-interview Monday the 29th March 2021 11 a.m. at 57/1F,W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha,Colombo 02. 0114361350.
Positions Wanted
(SLMC) registered Pharmaceutical Apprentice seeks a centre at a reasonable price for training under qualified male/female Pharmacist. Tel. 0777467455.
Tuition Available
AABA ABE CIMA ACCA Edexcel Local Cambridge Mathematics Business Economics Accounts Computer Science Psychology English Literature History Sociology Geography Human Biology Chemistry Physics Statistics Law. 0112685649,0112671710,0716128439.
Computer - Microsoft Office 2010/2013/2016 Word/Excel /Power Point /Access,Internet,E-mail,Social Media. Great opportunity for senior citizens to learn computer in their homes. Target audience: grand parents,parents,children,doctors,lawyers,Rtd. teachers,business owners. Study materials provided. Highly qualified and experienced Lecturer with over 17 years training & teaching experience. Online and Physical classes. Homes visited. Help desk. 0774419465.
Logic,2022/2023,well experienced School Teacher,group and individual classes. Colombo,Kandy,Galle,results assured,online or visits. Inquiry 0777984089.
Master offers tuition English Language Literature Maths Physics Biology homes visited online tuition. Philip Ferdinands 0777622834.
Mathematics AS/A2 A/L,O/L Cambridge Edexcel Pure Maths (P1-P4) statistics (S1-S3) Mechanics (M1-M3) Further Pure (FP1-FP3) additional Maths Combined Maths I.B. Maths by result oriented well experienced graduate teacher (visiting/online/groups) 0777-789976.
Mathematics (O/L) Cambridge Edexcel Local English medium Grade (6-11) model paper pastpaper discussion,home visits,online. 0712531125 - Mr. Buddhika.
Tuition Wanted
Wanted English Maths Teacher for Cambridge student Grade 6 home visit. Tel. 0773619909.