Business Opportunities
Real estate (land sales company) is seeking for investors/business partners to invest in their land sales projects. Terms negotiable. 0777707150,0777707130 greenhomeslk@gmail.com
Positions Vacant - Marketing
Wanted Salesmen from Ratmalana,Negombo,Kalutara,Wennappuwa areas for marketing consumable items. Salaries and allowances above 50,000/=. Nesko Enterprises,29/5,4th Lane,Ratmalana. Tel. 0777263954.
Positions Vacant - Technical
Wanted Dental Technicians for our Company Importers and Distributors of Dental (Medical) equipment. 0777316576,0773601649.
Positions Vacant - Masons & Carpenters
Site Vacancies - Immediate recruitment for the following vacancies at the sites of a reputed company. * Masons and Helpers * Fitters and Helpers * Supervisors * Labourers and Cook * Drivers (Heavy Vehicle). Salary negotiable,based on experience. Contact: 0753264851 (Hotline),0753264841.
Positions Vacant - General
Dental Assistant /Nurses - Female Assistants /Dental Nurses,required for leading Dental Clinics in Wellawatte and Bambalapitiya,all training given. Untrained starting salary 25000 - 30000. Trained Dental Nurses salary 350000 - 50000 Saturday halfday,Sunday and Poyadays holiday. Please apply the Dental Clinic,493,Havelock Road,Colombo 06. Email : colombodentalclinics@gmail.com0777185294.
Practice Manager /Senior Nurse /Matron - Enthusiastic,experienced,efficient pleasant lady required to run and maintain two leading Dental Clinics in Colombo City. Fluency in English and moderate Computer Literacy a must. No age limit. All training provided. Starting salary 30000 - 40000,Saturday halfday,Sunday and poyadays holiday. Please apply to the Dental Clinic,493,Havelock Road,Colombo 06,Email : colombodentalclinics@gmail.com0777185294.
Tuition Available
Accounting Edexcel Nov 20 results “A&A” Cambridge Local Commerce O/L,A/L English medium online,individual,group classes. 077 1816238.
Master offers tuition English Language Literature Maths Physics Biology homes visited online tuition. Philip Ferdinands 0777622834.
Mathematics (O/L) Cambridge Edexcel Local English medium Grade (6-11) model paper pastpaper discussion,home visits,online. 0712531125 - Mr. Buddhika.
Science Grade 8-11 Sinhala medium home visited. Voice 0717702535.