Business Opportunities
An export oriented Company looking customers and buyers from overseas for all kinds of food products,paper tissue,fruits and vegetables,marine engine products,building construction materials and dry fish from Sri Lanka. Email - integritytradingcompany202@gmail.comTP + 94755701417.
Finance & Leasing Services - Business
All loan facilities on property as guarantee. Money to your hand in one day for emergency. Quick loan service for purchase of land/redeeming of land from any part of the island. Contact now: 0778241327,0112882394 (Kirulapone,Colombo 5) isurufinance5@gmail.com
Positions Vacant - Information Technology
(IT - Social Media Executive) - Wanted Social Media Executive,preferably fluent in Tamil,excellent creativity skills. Send CV to hr.eqsolutions@outlook.com
Positions Vacant - Technical
Vehicle Painters permanent employees,vehicle electronic Technicians,vehicle polishing Technicians and vehicle washing Technicians. 0779995035,0776464999,0754322828. info@greenzon.lk
Wanted Electronic Technician Trainee Technician for a small firm in Ethul Kotte salary Rs. 25,000/-. Call: 0727320831.
Positions Vacant - Educational
Brighten International School invites applications from qualified,self-motivated,experienced candidates for the following posts. Primary Teachers,Secondary Teachers,Principal. Interested candidates may apply with detailed CV to raz-noor@hotmail.comTel. 0112679859,011-2693346,0772293815.
Positions Vacant - Estate
Wanted male employee with skills to manage an estate with a bungalow in Ginigathena. Also be able to organize adventure activities for guests. Attractive salary with accommodation. 0772993755. Email : hiran@islandersgroup.com
Positions Vacant - General
Are you recently retired? - Are you an individual who has retired recently? Begining you retirement? Would your benefit from an opportunity to begin a new career while being able to earn a five figure income which will give you real value in your retirement. We will assure you of maintaining you official status while givning value to you. Please call: 0712219939.
Positions Wanted
An educated young gent seeks a suitable job from around Colombo. Preferably from around Nugegoda. 0710509024.
Educational Vocational
Colombo Unique Institute. No. 104,Deans Road,Maradana. Tel: 0773504574,0703778746. Teachers for English,Science,Health,History,English Literature,Sinhala - Grades 6-11.
Tuition Available
AABA ABE CIMA ACCA Edexcel Cambridge Local Mathematics Statistics Business Studies Economics Accounts IT Psychology English Literature History Sociology Geography Human Biology Chemistry Physics Law Computer Science COS 0112685649 0112671710,0716128439.
English Language lessons local Government School syllabus year 9,10,11 & Revision (home visiting & online classes) offered by an experienced Teacher. 0701355881.
English Literature and language O/L,A/L London Local grades 6-11 English by English graduate. Tel: 0716119533.
G.C.E. A/L Physics Science Theory/Revision,individual and group classes in Colombo and Gampaha surroundings with marking scheme of model and past papers and discussions. Lecturer Madushan Ganegedara BSc.,MSc. (R) 0774704833.
G.C.E. A/L Physics Science Theory/Revision,individual and group classes in Colombo and Gampaha surroundings with marking scheme of model and past papers and discussions. Lecturer Madushan Ganegedara BSc.,MSc. (R) 0774704833.
IELTS /Spoken English for students /adults /office staff by UK qualified burgher lady trainer. 0703396330.
Lady Teacher visits Colombo/suburbs - IELTS,Spoken English,Sinhala,Tamil & other subjects in all 3 mediums. G.C.E (O/L) (A/L) English with past papers. 0770351835,0724178342.
Master offers tuition English Language Literature Maths Physics Biology homes visited online tuition Philip Ferdinands 0777622834.
Mathematics Advanced Ordinary Grade Six upwards Edexcel Cambridge Local. Produced best results Pure 1,2,3,Mechanics 1,2,3,Statistics 1,2. Home visits. Also online. Classes at Moratuwa. Derwin Fernando 0773555006.
Mathematics (O/L) home visiting and online lessons Cambridge Edexcel Local English medium,Grade (6-11) past paper discussion. Revision,conducted by a pioneer in the field. 0712531125 Mr Buddhika.
Sinhala & History Grade 6-11 (O/L - 2021) experienced paper marking graduate teacher. Home visited/online. Tel: 071 8152198.
Using speedy NLP technique,Maths,Accountancy,B. Studies,History,Art,Geography,Biology,Literature,ICT,English,French,German,spelling,grammar,essay,speaking OL AL AS A2 Academic Teacher. 0771477759.