Business Premises to Let or Lease
Bambalapitiya - Bambalapitiya Kollupitiya Wellawatte Thimbirigasyaya office space,houses buildings available on rent. 500,5000,10000,30000 sq.ft. with parking. 077-6306726.
For rent or lease premises available facing Dharmapala Mawatha near Piththala Junction opposite AIA Building. Suitable for a gem and jewellery showroom/office,bank or finance company. Building with ground plus one floor 2000 sq.ft. with 6-8 vehicle parking. Contact: Mohan Ambawatte 0777516344. Email: mohanambawatte.colombo@gmail.com
House & Property - Colombo District for Sale
Boralesgamuwa house for sale. 4BR,2 bathrooms,large living & dining area,kichen,storage room,2 car spacious garden,overhead tank,9.25 perches 1800 sq.ft. clear deeds 500 metres to Boralesgamuwa Junction. Call: 0777330333,0112517110.
Need an agricultural land around Galewela,Dambulla,Melsiripura to exchange with valuable 48 perches suitable for houses or industries in Battaramulla. Owner: piyaamara@gmail.comTel: 0774076993,0702625784,00447424282540.
House & Property - Colombo District to Let or Lease
A two bedroomed apartment /flat Duplication Road,Colombo 4 close proximity to Visakha Vidyalaya,Bambalapitiya. 0718462928.
Kohuwela G/Flr 3 B/Rooms 2 Baths (hot water) close to Main Road/amentities. Advance negotiable. Tel: 0773820026.