Art News | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Art News

25 October, 2020

Chistmas Craft Market

Chistmas Craft Market will be held at Sapumal Foundation from 10 am to 7 pm on November 14.

An interesting mix of traditional Sri Lankan artisans and international makers based in the island coming together at the SPACE Leap for a one-of-a-kind Christmas market.

An amazing range of products from books, baskets, accesssories, homeware, jewellery, art, collectibles, foods and beverages to get you started on your Christmas shopping with gifts that tell a story. A curated tour of the Sapumal Foundation’s gallery of art by the 43 Group will also take place parallel to this market. A children’s painting workshop with handmade wooden elephant figurines will be held from 11am to 12 noon.


‘Enclosed’ at Saskia Fernando Gallery

Firi Rahman will present his latest series of works titled ‘Enclosed’ at the Saskia Fernando Gallery from November 12 to December 8.

The exhibition includes mixed media on canvas and cloth, video and audio installation. Firi Rahman is a multidisciplinary artiste and native of Colombo.

This is the artiste’s third solo exhibition at the Saskia Fernando Gallery. He has presented works in numerous exhibitions, including Colombo scope in 2015, 2017 and 2019.




SFG Podcast

Conor Macklin of Grosvenor Gallery, London speaks to artist Priyantha Udagedara on the eve of the opening of Serendib. Conor Macklin has presented Priyantha’s work at his gallery in London as well as at the India Art Fair. The podcast can be listened in online gallery.




Mixed media work on canvas and paper

Priyantha Udagedara will present his latest exhibition featuring mixed media work on canvas and paper, including symbols, illustrating the history of Sri Lanka as an island sought-after for its harbours and natural resources at the Saskia Fernando Gallery from October 9 to November 6.

He plays with aesthetic appeal to debate the subject of post-colonialism, drawing parallels to globalisation and capitalism. Large canvases are filled with visuals of nature and historical landmarks native to Sri Lanka and those introduced by colonisers.
