Ten sports bodies in big trouble | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Ten sports bodies in big trouble

6 September, 2020

Director General of Sports Department of the Sports Ministry has compiled a report to be submitted next week calling for the suspension of ten sports associations with immediate effect, the Sunday Observer learns.

Among the offending ten associations are tennis, Paralympics, cycling, golf, baseball, squash and wrestling.

The report was compiled by Amal Edirisooriya the DG who will push for action when he presents the report to Sports Minister Namal Rajapaksa.

A special investigation revealed that the offending associations had violated the Sports Law by failing to submit their annual account statements which amounts to a very serious misconduct on the part of elected office bearers. A total of 14 associations were found guilty of violating the Sports Law but four of them were exempted from any punishment.

The probe Committee was headed by chief internal auditor BMMS Basnayake. The offending ten sports associations had attempted to hide behind the coronavirus factor as the reason for their failure to submit their account statements.

But the Sports Ministry hit back saying the Covid 19 pandemic entered the scene in late March long after the February 28 deadline had passed to submit account statements.
