Plea to offer sports scholarships to village kids | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Plea to offer sports scholarships to village kids

23 August, 2020

Following the entry of a new Sports Minister Namal Rajapaksa who has pledged to take care of all sports, inquiries are being made on the prospects of offering junior scholarships to the youngest of players from the remotest corners of the country to enroll at elite schools in Colombo.

“We talk about Grade Fives scholarships. Why not extend the scheme to grant passages to those who can excel in sports at Under-15 level and are in village schools without facilities,” asked former Royal College junior cricket coach Senarath Alwis.

“From my point of view we have the best academic students entering campus from the villages and in the same way you can find the best sporting products coming from the same areas,” added Alwis.
