Deshantha Silva was unanimously elected president of Catamarans Sports Club, Moratuwa, also known as the Cats, at its 75th Annual General Meeting held on July 12 at the club house.
Deshantha is a qualified engineer, accountant and marketer, counting over 23 years of experience in various corporate holding positions such as CEO, Director and Chief Financial Officer. He serves in the Finco Group as the CEO, Finco Trading.
Deshantha is an old boy of Royal College and has contributed immensely in numerous ways for the welfare of the club in the past and all members in unison expressed their confidence in his ability to take Catamarans Sports Club to greater heights by electing him as the club’s president in its Diamond anniversary year.
He plans to continue with the improvement of the club infrastructure and the cricket development work of his predecessor, Upali Seneviratne.
Cats as the club is better known in the sports circles, will be making elaborate plans to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee anniversary with a string of events during the current calendar year.