Professsional Consultancy Services
We undertake all accounting services,company registrations & secretarial services,ICTAD registrations,all regulatory registrations,project reports,payroll services. Further details contact Spectra Consultants. 0767816368,0714034436.
Positions Vacant Accounts/Finance
Need Accounts Assistant/Billing Officer. Age - 30 yrs. (first preference to female). Qualification - AAT,CIMA,ACCA part or fully qualified. Experience - 3 yrs. Wharf Clerk - with CHA/5 yrs. experience. Please forward your CV to: murali@monamilines.com0773429747.
Positions Vacant - Clerical/Secretarial
British Doctor wants an experienced Secretary with excellent knowledge of English and Computer skill work Colombo 5. British Trips on work available for suitable candidate good salary and opportunity promised. Phone 0725447108 for interview immediately.
Vacancies in Post of Multi Duty Clerk for girls between 18-22 years. Inquiries “ Christic Lanka Polymers (Pvt) Ltd.,Christic House,No. 79,Jayantha Mallimarachchi Mw.,Colombo 14. 0112382241 /0703537770.
Positions Vacant - General
For a luxury complex in Colombo for Gym & Pool & Recreational area CV to No. 49/04,Galle Road,Colombo 03. 0112397300.
Positions Wanted
An educated,retired Government Servant,experienced elders home administrator seeks a similar position or an administrative post in a religious institute. 0769489245.
Tuition Available
An International School Teacher (qualified & experienced) conducts classes for Grades 1 to 6 (All subjects). Visits homes. 0724641695.
Cambridge Computer Science AL OL by Graduate Postgraduate qualified experienced leading International School Teacher. Online classes available. 0760227030.
Computer - Microsoft Office - 2010/2013/2016 modules: Windows 10,Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Access,Outlook,Internet,Email & Social Media. Target Audience: Senior citizenS,grand parents,parents,children,Doctors,Engineers,Lawyers & Teachers. Highly qualified experienced lecturer. Group classes,individual classes,homes visitied. 0774419465.
ICT Computer Science (O/L) Cambridge Edexcel Theory Revision model past paper discussion experience teacher home visit. 0716299258.
ICT/Computer Science,Local/London (Edexcel /Cambridge) by an experienced Graduate lady Teacher. Best results assured. Homes visited. (Online classes available). 0784685777.
Lady teacher visits Colombo suburbs IELTS,Spoken English,Sinhala,Tamil and other subjects in all 3 media. GCE (O/L),(A/L) with past papers. 0770351835,0724178392.
Master offers Tuition English Language Literature Maths Physics Biology homes visited online tuition. Philip Ferdinands 0777622834.
Mathematics (O/L) Cambridge Edexcel Local English medium Sinhala medium Grade (6-11) past paper,model paper discussion conducted by a well-experienced (over 15 yrs) in results oriented teaching and low time consuming practicing techniques “A True Service by a Pioneer”. 0712-531125 Mr. Buddhika.
Physics A/Ls and O/Ls Cambridge syllabus. AS and A2 Levels in one year. Complete coverage of syllabus with past papers. Special class for O/L Oct/Nov. Exam. Complete Revision of syllabus with past papers. By an experienced Graduate Teacher. Homes visited. 0774438386.
Physics Chemistry Biology Edexcel Cambridge syllabuses. Science - National syllabus. Home visits /online classes. 0778593414,0724655320