Sports is not a barrier for studies - It is a ladder to achieve your targets -Mihiliya Methsarani | Sunday Observer

Sports is not a barrier for studies - It is a ladder to achieve your targets -Mihiliya Methsarani

5 July, 2020

“Taking part in sports is a great prospect for every student. Do not be  afraid to get  involved  in it.  If you have any talent for  sports, take it up. Sports can help to calm your  mind and help achieve educational targets too. We can say that  sports is a smart ladder to commence  your run  to your targets. I think you can find several people as role models in the world  of sports,” Mihiliya Methsarani told the Youth  Observer recently.

 Methsarani reigned as the Queen of Squash  for  several years. She is now studying  in the United States  and met us while back  home on holiday and  gave an update about her life.

“I have been in the USA since 2018 studing physiology and it is my favourite subject. It is an  unforgettable achievement in  my life. However, I  would never forget my sport. I will represent my country for as long as  possible. I know the limitations of  a woman’s life.  A woman must think of  many  things  and one day must create a strong family too. It is our  tradition. But, as long as I am able to play,  I  wish to use my talents for the  country,”  said Mihiliya.

She represented Sri Lanka at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. She  became the first Sri Lankan squash player to qualify for the final round at an  international squash tournament after qualifying for the plate final round  during the women’s singles. However, unfortunately, she lost in the final.       

 Thus, everyone knew her as a  heroine of Sri Lankan squash and  she  was also named as the Squash Queen in the country.

 Mihiliya Methsarani is twenty-two-years-old. But she is very knowledgeable and intelligent than most youth of  her age.

An old girl  of Sirimavo  Bandaranaike College, Mihiliya was born in 1998 and   lives  in Panadura. Her father is a Chief Inspector in the police service.

“I  belong to a  lower-middle-class family  and am a  younger daughter. My father continues to go to work while my  mother is a housewife. I have one sister and she  is an influence on my squash playing. She  too played squash  and became  a novices champion. But she decided to concentrate on her  studies and gave up the sport. However, I love the  game and bind with it day-by-day.

I  was lucky to win the Junior and Senior  National Championships and represent my  country too,” Mihiliya said happily.

She started  playing squash when  she   was seven and  won her first junior title when she was  nine.  “I went  to international events as an individual  and many of them were ranking games. It was  a good chance to develop my skills”.

Several sports including squash has been affected by family politics and how  has it affected you?

She  laughingly spoke of the early days of her  career  when she had to face the problem  of family politics.

“It is a common problem in sports in our country.  Nevertheless, we cannot escape it. However, I strongly believe  that  talent can solve any problem.  I also believe in the famous proverb ‘Actions speak louder than words’  and will follow it for the rest  of my life.

  The Youth  Observer asked about her experiences in the States. It is completely  different from Eastern culture. They think  about their fitness seriously.  Whether a  sportsman or not, every youth tries  to  keep fit. But it is totally different in our country.  Their culture  has different values  and behaviour than our values and behaviour,”  she said.

How  do Eastern players compare with Western ones?

“I think we are  equal in talent or skills. But I  must emphasise above  all they try to keep fit. Every youth   tries  to follow a fitness schedule. It is  very different compared to Sri Lanka.  Other than that difference, we can  match  their talent, she said.

“Painting is  another of my talents, but no one  knows  about it. I received awards for art while in school. However, because of  my pet game, squash,  I have not  had a chance to develop my painting skills. I  can bake well too.  During the  Covid -19 lockdown  I  baked cakes and treated  my friends and relations,” Mihiliya said.

“Finally, I like to tell the youth never give up good things easily.  Always keep your mind sharp and try to achieve your  ambitions. Hobbies are good to de-stress your mind. Without sports or art, you cannot achieve  your goals,” Mihiliya said.
