Business Opportunities
Investment can be done for a viable business /project on share basis equivalent to asset value or more through a loan without Security. E-mail “Executive Summary” of business.investinglanka@gmail.comTel. 0773742477 /0716170828.
Professional Consultancy Services
Experienced professional Accountants provide manual/online Book-Keepting,monthly Accounts VAT/NBT/EPF/ETF Auditing,New company incorporation and Administrative work. Contact No. # 077 9138339.
Positions Vacant - Marketing
Full time /part-time job opportunities in a leading private company. Male /female sales professionals with or without permanent salary,very attractive commission rates + foreign trips. Medical cover + travel allowance will be provided. Please call us: 0713834997.
Marketing Executive. We,Femstar Packaging (Pvt) Ltd.,at Industrial Zone Dankotuwa,seek suitable male/female,below 35 years. Experience preferable,attractive salary + sales commission. Apply with your CV to hr@femstarholdings.com
Positions Vacant - Accounts/Finance
Accounts Assistant - Qualifications : passed G.C.E (A/L) in Commerce Stream,Be Computer literate in MS Office Package,knowledge of Quick Books Accounting Software,Age 20-30 yrs. (female),minimum 1 year experience will be an advantage. Salary negotiable. Please apply with your detailed CV contact telephone numbers,along with two non-related referees. Burhani Poly Films (Pvt) Ltd,No. 7,1st Lane,Maligawa Road,Thelawala,Moratuwa. burhanipfcv@gmail.com011 2607257.
Accounts Clerk /General Office Assistant female age 30 - 45 good knowledge in English and computer. Apply accounts@horizonrelocations.lk
Positions Wanted
Retired Officer experienced in Accounts,Administration and internal Audit in public and private sector organizations (Local and overseas) seeks full/part time suitable position. Contact 0714492987.
Tuition Available
AABA CIMA MBA Assignments Edexcel Cambridge Local online classes Mathematics Business Economics Accounts Science History Geography Physics Psychology 2671710,0716128439.
A/L Physics theory/revision individual or group classes in Gampaha Kelaniya Kiribathgoda Kadawatha Biyagama and around Colombo. Model and past papers discussed with marking scheme. Madushan Ganegedara BSc MSc (R) 077 4704833.
Cambridge Edexcel Rapid Revision Theory O/L - 6 Chemistry,Biology,Physics A/L Chemistry home visits B.Sc. /M.Sc. 0773499051.
Chemistry online classes,Edexcel Cambridge AS,A2,IGCSE highly experienced International School Teacher. 074014843 lestydias@gmail.com
Master offers tuition English language Literature Political Science Economics homes visited Online tuition Philip Ferdinands 0777622834.
Sinhala inernational school students. Qualified graduate lady teacher online or home visiting,for best results. 0770195485.