School coaches in the lurch, want Minister to intervene | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

School coaches in the lurch, want Minister to intervene

24 May, 2020

School coaches have been left high and dry without an income for the past three months and have now written to Sports Minister Dallas Alahapperuma seeking his intervention.

Most of these coaches rely on their contracts to bring them an income and now under the banner of the Sri Lanka Sports Coaches Rights Protection Association (SLSCRP) they have decided to take up their cause with the highest authority.

They have asked that the Minister intervenes so they’ll be able to get at least half a month’s salary for the months of March and April if not the full pay.

They have also asked the Minister to include them on the proposed Interest Subsidy Loan Scheme enacted by the Government. In response, the Sports Ministry has conveyed to the coaches they will be entitled to receive just Rs.5000 if the sports association they work for comes under the government.

The Education Ministry has also written to all Education Directors, Secretaries, Divisional Education Directors and Principals directing them to pay a maximum of 25 per cent of the monthly salary to the coaches who are paid their salaries from the School Development Society Fund or from the Past Pupils Association Fund.

The letter has also directed them to ensure that all such coaches get at least a minimum of Rs 5000 which is a pittance that may last for less than a week for a family.
