Able,tall,handsome,well built partner,a well qualified professional or a businessman,TT/NS,above 40 years,financially well established and fluent in English,is sought by affluent professional G/B family,from a similar background,for only daughter,fair,slim,extremely beautiful and charming,5’3” tall,40 years,looks 25. Foreign qualified graduate,well employed with substantial assets. Only those who plan to live and work in Sri Lanka,may apply. Divorced,innocent party considered. Differences immaterial. Full family details,contact numbers essential. Emal - ivar291@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified employed well mannered caring son is sought by retired G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty well accomplished only daughter. She is well employed with Post Graduate qualification from UK University. Also a qualified UK Solicitor. Born in May 86. Height 5’8”. Kuja 7th House but favourable. Prefer a son who can converse fluently in English and has a good personality. Please reply with horoscope to manidee.proposal@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner preferably,living in USA sought by Buddhist parents living in USA,for their daughter born in July 1990,5’8”,fair complexion brought-up according to Sinhala Buddhist values, BSc (IT) graduate,employed at a Bank. Please reply with full family details and contact numbers. Email: pjkotte@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified NS/TT son is sought by B/G parents for daughter 83 born,slim,fair and pretty. Senior Executive,B.Sc,M.Sc qualified. Inherits luxury house and other assets. Write to, proposals7923@gmail.com
Bodhu-Govi retired parents with reputable family background,living in Kandy suburbs seek a suitable partner for their 39-year-old,fair,slim,pretty,5’3” tall,daughter. She possesses a respectable post in the healthcare sector of the government and was educated at an esteemed girls school in Kandy. Email: mrgproplk@gmail.com
BSc,MSc,PhD,Senior Lecturer (1980,B/S/G),Inherits valuable assets; Email: subawksm@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi professional parents seek,a well mannered caring son with similar intellect and abilities for daughter grown up in Australia with Buddhist values,near 26 years,qualified MBBS and currently preparing for the qualifying examination. She is very beautiful,admirable characterinherits assets in both countries. Please converse with horoscope and contacts 26eugen@gmail.com
Buddhist parents from Colombo suburbs seek a suitable partner for their accomplished daughter,23yrs,5’5”,well employed in Australia after completing her degree. Must be a professionally qualified non-smoker of excellent character and good personality,5’8” or taller,no more than 28yrs old. Australian residents or those willing to migrate only please. Please reply to priyaw@bigpond.comwith all family details and an image or social media links.
B/G parents seek educated partner for their pleasant daughter born in 1982. Completed BSc(SL/UK) and MSc (UK).Worked in Sri Lanka. With assets. Please reply with family details. email. proposals012345@gmail.com
B/G/S parents residing in Australia seek a professionally qualified son for their daughter. She is fair,pleasant,5’4”,33yrs,medical doctor (MBBS ),employed in Australia. Please send details,contacts,and preferably horoscope to email: padme19@yahoo.com
B/K Parents seek an educated well-mannered son residing in Sri Lanka not willing to migrate for our accomplished daughter 1987 April,5’4 Caring,Pretty,Fair and Slim,employed in a highly reputed establishment,B.S.c graduate in bio-medical science drawing a good salary. She will inherit substantial assets including a newly built house. Please email with family details and horoscope to akhfdo@gmail.com
Colombo respectable GB parents seek a professionally qualified son with sober habits for their well mannered daughter an MBBS doctor graduated from a government university, age 29 years and 5’4” in height. Please reply with family details and copy of the horoscope to email: neegun5689@gmail.com
Govi,Catholic retired parents from Colombo suburb seek educated,caring and honest partner,for their well mannered,fair daughter,(1992 born,5’1 height) who is a graduate from a foreign university and currently working in a reputed private sector foreign company in Sri Lanka. Buddhists are also welcome. Contact: 2412842/E-mail: jayantharr1959@gmail.com
Govi /Karawa Buddhist parents from Galle,seek an educated,open minded son for their only daughter. 1989 November born,5’ 5’,slim,pleasant looking,educated in a leading Girls school in Galle,presently employed in a Colombo based Multi-National company as an executive. Horoscope should be compatible to Kuja 7. Please contact with family details and horoscope. e-mail: marriage89bck@gmail.com
G/B parents seek an educated son for their well accomplished charming daughter MBA B.Sc. born in 1984 November,5’5” educated at a leading school in Colombo. She holds a senior management post in a leading company. Draws an attractive salary with other perks. Inherits a two storied house,new car & valuable assets. Doctors/other comparable professionals preferred. Please respond with a copy of HC to propedmp@gmail.com
G/B parents seek,pleasant,kind hearted son for their youngest daughter currently completing Masters in Education in Canada and hoping to work there for a while. She is 25,5’8”,pretty,fair and well built with outgoing personality. Two older sisters are married. One settled in Canada. Please contact with horoscope and personal details. rubenperera72@gmail.com
Kandyan,Buddhist parents living in the US seek a handsome,academically and professionally qualified partner with international exposure for their fair,slim,pretty,accomplished American born daughter,only child 27 years old,5’ 3’’ tall,academically and professionally qualified. We welcome responses from the US,Canada,and Sri Lanka. Please reply with family details,horoscope,and contact numbers to rkmed07@gmail.com.
Pretty daughter descending from a respectable affluent Govi Buddhist business family in Gampaha District educated at a prominent Christian girls school in Colombo 7. Born in 1987 May,height 5’3”,well educated,qualified interior designer. Parents seek a suitable son for their only daughter. Inherits substantial assets. E-mail: proposals1999@outlook.com
Professional parents (G/B) seek an educated son,born during 1992-1995 for their youngest daughter born in 1996 and living and employed in Canada. She has two professionally qualified siblings who live and work in Australia and Canada. We invite responses from those in Sri Lanka,Australia,and Canada. Please provide details about the son and the family with a copy of the horoscope by email to ranbloom@gmail.com
Sinhalese Catholic parents seek a suitably educated handsome son with good values for the1996 born daughter permanently working while studying for Masters in New Zealand. She is fair,pretty,and 5’4”. Please reply with full details along with a recent photograph. mpetro210@gmail.com
Sri Lankan,British parents living in Ontario,Canada seek a groom For their professionally qualified daughter 23,5’1” fair. We are looking for a well qualified son who is living in Canada age 24-28. Reply with family details,photo,contact number. Caste religion immaterial. Email: pchan.perera@gmail.com