Government spokesman and former State Minister of Power,Mahindananda Aluthgamage,said at present, the Government has given subsidies to nearly 90 percent of the population. Therefore, the Opposition politicians need not distribute rice or food commodities among the people as that task is successfully fulfilled by the Government. The former State Minister in an interview with the Sunday Observer said if anybody wants to distribute goods among the people, they can do so, but they have to adhere to the law and maintain discipline in the country. Both the Government and Opposition politicians have no right to violate the law. Aluthgamage said at this juncture, there is no need to reconvene Parliament as everything is going smoothly under the supervision of the Government and the Special Presidential Task Force on Essential Services. The Government’s program to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the country is moving forward successfully, he said.
Q: What do you think of the Opposition’s call to reconvene Parliament? Is there any need to reconvene Parliament at this juncture?
A: Nobody wants to reconvene Parliament at this juncture. There is no need to reconvene Parliament as everything is going on smoothly under the supervision of the Government and the Special Presidential Task Force on Essential Services. If Parliament is reconvened a huge amount of money would have to be spent, unnecessarily, to pay salaries and other perks to Parliamentarians. It would also pave the way to spread the coronavirus among parliamentarians as well. Therefore, the Opposition’s call to reconvene Parliament is a futile attempt. At present, there is no major issue in the country, all essential food commodities are distributed countrywide. The Government’s program to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the country is moving forward successfully.
Q: Once again, former UNP Parliamentarian Ranjan Ramanayake was arrested and remanded until April 20 for having obstructed Police duties during the curfew. Your views on this?
A: At present most politicians distribute goods and assist people in their respective areas. However, they don’t take media crews to have media shows, blaming the Government and the Police. RanjanRamanayake is a different character and an actor as well. However, he should not mix- his acting with his ordinary life. As a people’s representative, he should act in a responsible manner. Earlier, we saw how his audio recordings went viral on social media. He is not suitable as a people’s representative. His leaked telephone conversations, clearly prove that he is not fit to hold any post. Therefore, we should not be surprised at his arrest.
Q: The Samagi JanaBalawegaya General Secretary,RanjithMadduma Bandara, had told the media that the arrest of Ranjan Ramanayakeis a clear indication that the Government deliberately disturbs the humanitarian efforts of the Opposition to assist the people What is your response to this claim?
A: If RanjanRamanayake distributes 50 sacks of rice among the people, the country’s problems will not be solved. At present, the Government has given subsidies to nearly 90 percent of the population. Therefore, these Opposition politicians don’t need to distribute rice or food commodities among the people as that task is successfully fulfilled by the Government. If anybody wants they can do so but they have to adhere to the law and maintain discipline in the country. Both the Government and the Opposition politicians have no right to violate the law. There should be one country and one law for all. If anybody violates the law, definitely he or she will have to face the consequences.
Q: Former Minister RishadBathiudeen’s brother’ Riyadh Bathiudeen, has been arrested for having had direct links with some suicide bombers of the Easter Sunday terror attacks. How do you see this recent development of the ongoing investigations into Easter Sunday carnage?
A: Even some of those who have committed murders plead innocence before the law. This is one of the most controversial incidents which have taken place in the country. The Government has continuously conducted investigations into the Easter Sunday attacks and ascertained vital information in connection with it. It is not only RishadBathiudeen’s brother, but a few other prominent people who had links with that terrorist group will also be arrested shortly. All those who got involved in this incident should be brought to book. Most of the Muslim political parties promote extremism. The genuine Muslim politicians are in the UNP and the SLPP. Other Muslim politicians who promote extremist political agendas have dealings with terrorist groups and they have black money in their possession. Therefore, stern legal action should be taken against them.
Q: A large number of Sri Lankan employees and students stranded in foreign countries request the Government to assist them to return to the country. In a situation where flight operations of the BIA have been temporary suspended what action can be taken in this regard?
A: At this juncture, we are not in a position to bring anybody from overseas to Sri Lanka. They should understand that the coronavirus started to spread mainly from the 54 persons who returned to Sri Lanka from various foreign countries. At present, the Government cannot take any decision regarding them until this disaster situation is fully sorted out. The Government will have to formulate a special quarantine program for those who return to Sri Lanka from foreign countries. We can’t turn our country into another China or America. Therefore, we request our students in foreign countries to be cautious about themselves and we would definitely bring all of them to Sri Lanka once the situation is under control.
Q: What is the outcome of the special discussion held by the President with Government officials on Wednesday (April 15)?
A: The Government is now exploring the possibility of lifting the islandwide curfew. In most of the areas, the situation has turned into normalcy. Therefore, the industries and enterprises should resume operations as we have to rebuild the economy. The President during the discussion laid key emphasis on this issue.
Q: Has the Government focused attention on reopening state and private sector institutions which have been temporary closed following instructions given by the health authorities?
A: Definitely. Whatever action is to be taken, the Government would adhere fully to the instructions given by the health authorities. However, we are not in a position to reopen the entire state and private sector institutions at once. For example, there is no possibility to reopen institutions or other industries in Akurana due to the prevailing situation in that area. However, there is no issue in some other areas of the Kandy district, such as Nawalapitiya. Therefore, we will have to reopen the institutions or industries section by section.
Q: The health authorities have said they can be satisfied with the measures taken by the Government to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the country compared to other countries. Your views on this?
A: A leader who takes bold decisions has become the President of the country. For the first time in history, most appropriate decisions were taken by the President at the appropriate time. This is the positive side of this issue. The problem with our political leaders is that most of them don’t take correct decisions at the right time. As a leader who takes correct decisions has become the President, we could minimise the danger of this disease to a great extent. We have been able to have collaborative efforts with health authorities and the tri-forces to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Q: There are complaints that the people have faced hardships as essential food commodities are not distributed in certain areas. Is there any truth in these allegations?
A: This is a false allegation levelled by the Opposition to gain political mileage. At present, some opposition politicians who breached the law have been arrested. Therefore, the Opposition takes media crews to certain areas to get voice cuts from the people by asking them to say that they don’t have any food to eat. The Government under the supervision of the Presidential Task Force on Essential Services distributes food commodities countrywide. Sometimes, there may be some minor issue in certain areas. However, the Government mechanism is implemented successfully. At present, all relief measures have been given to the people including the Rs.5,000 allowance and the Samurdhi subsidy while the essential food commodities are also distributed among them. The Presidential Task Force on Essential Services headed by Basil Rajapaksa has laid emphasis on all key sectors.
Q: Has the Government taken measures to overcome the problems faced by fruit and vegetable farmers?
A: The Government has intervened to provide a guaranteed price to fruit and vegetable farmers. Otherwise, the middlemen exploit the harvest of the farmers. That is why the Army has intervened to directly purchase the harvest and provide a fair price to farmers. At present, lists have been prepared at the Divisional Secretariat level to pay the exact price to the farmers with the intervention of the Divisional Secretaries. Similarly, the harvest of fruit farmers will also be purchased by the Government. I think all these issues will be sorted out within the next two weeks.
Q: Don’t you think the Opposition should extend their support towards the Government’s efforts to combat the corona pandemic without attempting to gain political mileage from it?
A: The then Opposition politicians said the 30 year war against terrorists cannot be ended and some of them even got mixed up in Kilinochchi and Medawachchiya. Therefore, we don’t think they would extend their support to combat the coronavirus in the country. As a country, we would take every possible measure to combat this disease. The Opposition is now on the verge of an election. At present, the UNP is split and they are in a very helpless situation. Therefore, we should not panic about the utterances made by the UNP. As a responsible Government, we would do what is best for the country.
Q: There are speculations that the elections will be held in June. Has the Government taken any decision to hold the election?
A: It is too early to comment on the election. First, we should take steps to combat the coronavirus. Once this disaster is fully overcome, a decision will be taken on holding the election. At present, no decision has been taken regarding the election.