Sri Lanka halts participation at overseas sports events | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Sri Lanka halts participation at overseas sports events

15 March, 2020

The Director General of Sports Amal Edirisuriya told the Sunday Observer that the Ministry of Sports has decided to stop the participation of Sri Lankan sportsmen at all foreign competitions after consultation with the Medical unit.

“We discussed this matter with several associations that requested permission to participate in overseas events and told them to seek clearance from Medical unit. But the Medical unit directed us it is not possible in view of the current situation over the coronavirus,” said Edirisuriya.

Earlier Sri Lankan sportsmen and women were told to prove that they will have to prove they will not face any risk of contracting the coronavirus if they travel overseas for competitions.

“There is no barrier to participate in any international competitions. But before any foreign tour the sports federations must prove that travel is not a risk. If so, we can approve it, ” KDS Ruwanchandra the secretary to the Sports Ministry told the Sunday Observer.

He said that there is a mechanism to fulfill the requirements from the Sports Medicine Unit and accordingly no Federation can participate in a foreign tournament without this special medical analysis certification from the Sports Medicine Unit.

“After obtaining the certificate the respective federations can take their players to international competition. They must ensure the safety of the players and pass our medical unit test,” said Ruwanchandra. 
