EMPLOYMENT & SERVICES | Page 4 | Sunday Observer


15 March, 2020

Business Opportunites

Investment can be done for a viable business/​project on share basis equivalent to asset value or more through a loan without Security. E-mail “Executive Summary” of b​u​s​i​n​e​s​s​.​i​n​v​e​s​t​i​n​g​l​a​n​k​a​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​Tel: 0773742477/​0716170828.

Positions Vacant - Medical

Doctor wanted MBBS or equivalent with registration or R.M.P with registration. Minimum 03 years experience. Duty hours from 7.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. and 6 days per week. Good terms negotiable long standing well established practice. Guy Paranawithana Dispensary Surgery,​77,​Stanley Thilkarathne Mawatha,​Nugegoda. Contact Nos: 0714725698 or 0773438828.

Positions Vacant - Marketing

Sales Executive wanted for field from residence Colombo or suburbs with motor bike riding licence previous experience marketing electronic items to shops dealers must be honest prepared achieve target attractive remuneration package depends on performance our company at Colombo Grandpass. Contact weekdays 011-2435840.

Positions Vacant Accounts/Finance

Wanted an Accountant for a Tea Factory with good accounting knowledge. 0773593417.

Positions Vacant - Clerical / Secretarial

Wanted part-time experienced English typist below 50 years with good knowledge in Word & Excel for a professional office. Flexible working days. Email: v​a​c​a​n​c​y​b​o​r​e​l​l​a​c​o​8​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​32,​1st Floor. YMBA Building,​D.S. Senanayake Mawatha,​Colombo 08.

Positions Vacant - Educational

Kingston College International Mutual,​Wellawatte,​Mount Lavinia,​Matale branches vacancies are available for Trainee Teachers & Graduate Teachers. Admissions are open from Nursery - London A/​L (Cambridge syllabus). For further details,​84,​Delasalle Road,​Colombo-15. Tel: 0777268279,​0765617661. Email: k​i​n​g​s​t​o​n​c​o​l​l​e​g​e​1​5​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Montessori - Well-established school requires an energetic teacher for the toddler class. 8.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Conveniently located in Borella. English medium. Contact: 0777360023.

Positions Vacant - Domestic

Part-Time Housemaid - Well versed in House-Keeping /​Cleaning /​Arranging below 50. Speak all Languages 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Please call - 0777399799. 152,​Kynsey Road,​Colombo 07. Grands Burg Apartments.

Positions Vacant - General

Office Assistant - To attend to customer requirements,​coordinate back office support service,​good English and computer literacy. Age limit 35 - 50 Minimum A/​L (Commerce /​Arts). Apply Trident Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd.,​67A,​Gregory’s Road,​Colombo 07. Email. r​e​a​l​c​o​m​m​e​s​t​a​t​e​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​SMS - 0727981203.

Vacancies for school leavers below 22 years within 30 Km area. Accounts Assistants (girls),​Laboratory Helper (girls). Contact: C.D.P Lanka (Pvt) Ltd No. 79,​Mahawatta Road,​Colombo 14. 0703537770,​0112382241,​0112454354.

Positions Wanted

Being a 30 years old male,​I seek a driving opportunity to work under any madam around Colombo. Further,​I can support for day-to-day household works as well. Susantha: 0777852399.

Tuition Available

AABA ACCA CIMA BSC MBA assignments Edexcel Local Cambridge Statistics Mathematics Business Economics Accounts History Geography Science Psychology. 2685649,​0716128439.

Accounting /​Business Studies for A/​L,​O/​L local London /​Edexcel Cambridge syllabuses,​past paper discussion special class. Homes visited. 077-8231330,​071 7749640.

Computer classes for children adults ICT (O/​L) GIT school text book by experienced lady teacher. 0772849916.

English litareture /​language crash course local and London experienced teachers taught overseas and leading schools in Colombo. 0777 569778 /​0772549439.

English spoken Certificate course for adults and school children. home visit. No age/ knowledge barrier for adults and beginners. Call 0764316344 VIP Rapid Course for Educated professionals/ students. 100% spoken 100% practical. Why can’t you speak English/ Why can’t educated professionals/ students speak fluently? Get spoken theory, perfect knowledge guidelines to be a fluent speaker. Migrants, IELTS, Interview, presentation, teaching, housewives, school children, parents businessmen, higher education students. 076431634

I am a Teacher at a leading International School in Colombo. Attentive attractive teaching style using for giving best result for AS/​AL for Edexcel /​Cambridge,​students by experienced BSc. reading Tutor at Cardiff Metropolitan University UK. 2500/​= per head for two hours class. Call Malsha on 0718866333 or email a​p​p​l​e​w​h​i​t​e​p​3​6​7​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Lady Teacher visits Colombo/​suburbs. IELTS,​spoken English,​Sinhala,​Tamil & other subject in all 3 Media. 0770351835,​0724178392.

Mathematics O/​L English medium Grades 6-11 by experienced Teacher of Colombo School. Homes visited. 0773305205,​0112713370.
