Ladies and gentlemen | Sunday Observer

Ladies and gentlemen

8 March, 2020

I stood here to honestly deliver
A few words for all to subtly ponder.
I’m really coerced to humbly admit
That I too am on the losers’ side!
Since long ago and down the course
Of worldly annuls of human source
Ladies were ruled by the gentlemen;
They were kept in to breed children!
Gentlemen earned the living though mean
She had to keep mum and see the scene!
But little by little it tended to change;
Ladies ‘offered to uplift’ the family’s range!
Then the percentage of load to prop up
For gents went down, and ladies, up!
The gentlemen enjoyed while it hit fifty,
And forty to sixty, and thirty to seventy!
Ladies undertook all possible walks
Of life in society dismissing old talks!
I now wonder by this decade’s end
Would they be both ladies and gen’l’men?

-Bandara Samarakoon
