Medi-snippets | Sunday Observer


29 December, 2019

Myths, main obstacle for diabetic patients seeking treatment

While diabetes is one of the leading non communicable diseases in Sri Lanka most patients wait till it’s too late to seek treatment, leading endocrinologist and diabetology specialist Dr Prasad Katulanda told the Sunday Observer .

According to estimates diabetes affects more than 20% of the urban adults and over 10% of rural adults. Dr Katulanda warned of an imminent diabetic epidemic if borderline patients and those already afflicted by the disease do not seek early screening and treatment. “If you take the Colombo district it was 18% in 2006. Now, recent studies indicate it to be over 25% among Colombo adults. A study from Jaffna also has shown alarming figures,” he said. Asked who were the most vulnerable persons he said although it is still more common among elders, it is now increasingly becoming common among younger people, e.g.middle aged persons less than 60 years.

He said those with diabetes should exercise self control when serving out large portions of sugar based foods and carbs. Debunking myths on diabetes he said Diabetes drugs don’t cause kidney or liver damage as most people believe.

They are quite safe under proper medical advice. Exercise, eating the correct foods and giving up unhealthy lifestyles will prevent diabetes as well as control it in those already afflicted. Plenty of exercise and preventing obesity could also help reduce diabetes risks.


Children most vulnerable to eye injuries from fireworks

As we prepare to greet the New Year, National Coordinator Training National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Ms Pushpa Ramya Zoysa told the Sunday Observer, that most accidents from fireworks occurred during the period December 24 to January 1 in Sri Lanka and asked parents not to attempt to apply home remedies if a child has been burned or his/her eyes have been damaged but to rush the child immediately to the nearest government hospital. 
