Dependency | Sunday Observer


24 November, 2019

“Dependency, mothers’ respect and obedience
Independence spawns power sharing irresponsibility
When immaturity experiences independence
Disrespect and disobedience consequences
Offspring depend on parents giving respect and love in return
Young adults falling in love raise long term dependency concern
Employees depend on Corporates for monetary compensation
Masses depend on Governments for order and stability.
As children become adults and wives are career driven
Dependency flies from windows and disdain reigns supreme
Raising free opinions and inept relationships
Opening cracks and divisions on impending interactions.
Beggars depend on benefactors for upkeep of body and soul
The oppressed look on the wealthy for allied assistance
The exploited look in vain for justice, from corrupt social systems
Whilst dependency initiates stability, independence creates

- Lucky
