Academically and professionally qualified and well employed NS/TT son is sought by respectable G/B retired professional parents from Kandy for their B.Sc (Accounting & Finance) daughter working as a graduate teacher in a leading government national school. Born in 1992 July 5’5” fair slim pleasent looking and well mannered inherits assests. Please reply with family, H/C, contact nos and FB details to [email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified caring,well-mannered son from UK is sought by Govi/Buddhist parents in UK,for their eldest daughter. She is 5’2” tall,fair,pretty,Doctor. Born in 12/1987. Same or similar profession preferred. Please send family details with emails only. proposal.25@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified employed well mannered caring son is sought by G/B parents for their fair,pretty well accomplished only daughter born in 1992,5’3” in height. She holds a BA (General) degree and currently expecting a job. She inherits substantial assets - migration possible. Email - dprop8579@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified TT/NS son sought by BG parents for their daughter 1992 pretty slim 5’. Currently live and work in UAE and willing to migrate. Reply with full family details and horoscope. nisi.gamage@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well employed N/S, T/T well mannered handsome and smart son 30-34, 5’8”- 6’ from a respectable B/G family (Colombo/ Overseas) is sought by respectable B/G parents from Colombo for their fair, extremely Pretty, slim very well brought up daughter qualified with BBA, MBA, currently employed in a reputed Company Colombo. Drawing six figure salary and inherits substantial assets. Engineers preferred. Please reply by Email/ Post with full family details, Telephone Number and horoscope. Email: [email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered handsome son between 37-42 sought by Sinhala Buddhist mother for her fair pretty unmarried daughter 5’4” born 1982,working as a QS,caste immaterial. Reply with family details and horoscope to: proposalsm82@gmail.com
Academically qualified partner sought by respectable B/G Colombo suburbs parents for 1981,fair,pretty,5’5’’,IT professional (BSc/MSc),daughter,divorced innocent party,no kids. Owns a house and land. mpropbride18@gmail.com
Academically/professionally qualified partner is sought by Govi Catholic parents,for their daughter,38,5’2’’,pretty,academically and professionally well qualified,Assistant Director in leading Ministry (SLAS Officer). Religion,caste other differences immaterial. Divorcees considered. E-mail: marriagepro81@gmail.com
Affluent and respectable B/K parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son from a very respectable family for their Doctor daughter born in 1984. She is well-accomplished ,slim,pretty with charming personality. She will inherit substantial assets. Reply with full family details. proposals1918@gmail.com0112808803.
Australian Bodu Sinhala well established parents seek a professionally qualified well employed caring handsome son for their 28 yrs,5’8” daughter. She is fair pretty caring professional and well employed. Please email full family details and horoscope to naran1822@gmail.com
A successful businessman and loving father,seeks an understanding and caring son,below the age of 40 years,for his 32 year old,honest,pretty and caring daughter,practising Nursing in Australia. Partner should understand the commitment to the Nursing Profession and be a resident of Australia. Please reply with horoscope details to aperera20190819@gmail.com
Bodu Dewa respectable parents from Colombo seek a son (non-smoker,teetotaller) for their daughter born in 1983 Oct. Attorney-at-Law,LLB studied in a leading Colombo Girls’ school. Caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope.
Bodu Govi government employed parents seek a suitable partner for their eldest daughter,31 years,5’5”,fair and slim,English Teacher (Shani-Mangala). Overseas proposals are welcome. iranganism@gmail.com
Bodu Govi parents from Up-country seek a well educated well mannered pleasant looking son from a respectable family for their eldest daughter 27, 5’2”. Who has obtained a Post graduate degree in the engineering field from a well recognized University. Currently she is working as an engineer in an international company in Sri Lanka. Reply with details if interested. [email protected]
Buddhist Govi Doctor seeks professionally qualified partner for daughter 40 years medium complexioned 5’3”,University Lecturer with PhD. Reply with family details and horoscope,email: mpthuru2015@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi respectable parents from Colombo suburbs seek professionally qualified partner for their convent educated,LLB qualified 5’1”,25 yr. old elder daughter. proposalsdias123@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi respectable parents from Colombo suburb seek a suitable son for their 25 year,5’3” pretty daughter. Studied at reputed Colombo schools and doing her Postgraduate studies in Australia. Please reply with family details and horoscope to Email - sproposal94@gmail.com
B/G Colombo respectable parents seeking a partner for their very fair pretty daughter 5’3” 32 Design graduate attached to a leading Export Company. Email: eraisha19@gmail.com
B/G mother from Colombo seek professional handsome son,age below 38,from Sri Lanka or overseas for her pretty,1985,5’2” U.S.A. graduated daughter. Please reply w/family details,horoscope and telephone number. kamalasamaraweera@gmail.com
B/G parents of a well-connected family searching for a suitable partner for daughter. Graduate,senior executive of a reputed firm,1981 born,fair,attractive with calm & kind disposition. Legally separated from a short term marriage. Innocent party. No encumbrances. Reply with horoscope. Email - hanperera2018@gmail.com
B/G/S well-connected family Colombo seeks an educated marriage partner MBBS Doctor considered for 1989 August born daughter 5’,slim fair Civil Engineer BSc MSc employed in family company owns assets not willing for migration. Reply with family details horoscope. proposeweb1989@gmail.com
B/Viswa parents from Colombo suburbs seek professionally qualified,kind hearted son with sober habits for their younger daughter 29 yrs. 5’3”,very fair,pretty,slim,BBA (Finance special),MBA (UK),CFA & CIMA Chartered holder,Dip. in Banking,working in an International Company as a Manager,earns six figure salary. She owns an apartment in Mount Lavinia. Differences immaterial. Reply to - 011-2736955. prop90w@gmail.com
Catholic parents seek a partner for daughter July 1984,5’5’’’ holds a doctorate. Senior Manager,earns a six figure salary. Inherits a two storeyed house,car and cash deposits. totam1961@yahoo.com
Colombo Buddhist Durawa professional parents looking for an academically or professionally qualified partner for their daughter born in May 1987,studied at leading Buddhist school in Colombo has completed banking exams and presently employed in a Bank. She inherits substantial assets,including a modern house in Colombo. Please reply with family details and horoscope. dayaratnew@gmail.com
Educated business father,teacher mother Bodu Govi seek a son of similar background and caste (height 5’4” - 5’6”) living in Western Province for their academically and professionally qualified daughter (28 years) Assistant Accountant in a multinational company. Reply with horoscope to kbimsara@gmail.comTel. 0112736532.
Govi /Christian respectable parents from Colombo,seek professionally qualified partner for MBA qualified daughter,28 years,5’3’’,pretty,slimly built,fair in complexion,well-mannered and pleasant,studied in leading Christian School,employed in the corporate sector in Colombo at professional level,inherits family home,car and other assets. Only sister married and domiciled abroad. drfredabeyratne@yahoo.com. Pl reply with details.
Lawyer father seeks an academically /professionally qualified son from a respectable family for his 30 years,5’,pretty fair complexioned younger looking,well accomplished and cultured daughter who possesses BA English and completed final year Law studies awaiting taking oath. Please reply with horoscope,family details and contact number and email address. My email: businessadmns@gmail.com
Moor parents from Dehiwala seek moderately religious educated partner for their daughter Medical Doctor (MBBS) works in a government hospital in Sri Lanka (Central Province) 28 yrs,5’4’’ tall. E-mail: yesmin.s@outlook.comTel: 0112 719741.
Moor respectable family from Anuradhapura seeks a partner for their daughter 28 yrs.,5’2” Chubby,working,(with assets) (moor.bride@yahoo.com)
Muslim respectable Colombo parents seek qualified,good bridegroom for well educated daughter 27 years with own house available: fatherf528@gmail.com
Muslim well-established,educated,decent family in Australia,seeks doctor son,willing to migrate Australia for their 24 years old smart hijab wearing daughter,completing professional degree in medical field. Please send full details. Email: mufnik9@gmail.com
Parents are looking academically and professionally qualified employed son for their daughter Bodu /Govi,1978,5’ 7”,slim,pretty,beautiful,never married,PhD holder working in UK University as an Assistant Professor. Caste /religion /differences immaterial,well settled educated person for a marriage. dmarprop2019@gmail.com055-2276953.
Parents from Colombo suburbs seek to introduce a suitable partner from Australia for their bright,accomplished daughter,22 yrs.,professionally employed in Australia. Must be aged 22-26 yrs.,5’7” or taller,non-smoker,well educated,respectful of Buddhist Sinhala values,with a good personality & excellent character. View friendship leading to marriage,all going well. Please reply to : mail97sam@yahoo.comwith all details and an image or social media links.
Professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G/D mother for our fair,slim daughter. Completed her degree in IT and MBA. Currently employed in a reputed IT company in Australia. Born in 1984,5’4”. Email: hassa0214@gmail.com
Professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G/D mother for our fair,slim daughter. Completed her higher diploma in Engineering,employed in Singapore and studying for her degree in Management. Born in 1993,5’4”. Email: dayani0213@gmail.com
Sinhala Catholic parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son for their daughter who is 31 years (1987,Nov. ) 5’5” pretty,slim. She is a MBBS Doctor please reply who are interested in migrating to Australia,or who resides in Australia. Reply with family details (Catholic only pls). email: niroshadesilva1963@gmail.com011 2254216.
Sinhalese Buddhist Parents (G/K) seeks a suitably qualified, decent and a caring son for their Australian qualified and trained Doctor daughter employed in a leading government hospital. She is simple in nature, kind, fair, pretty, slim, 5’3” in height, 29 years (1990/07) and brought up in a Sri Lankan family environment. We wish to hear from an educated, religiously inclined and a down to earth Sinhalese Buddhist family (Caste Immaterial), with a brief description of your family details and proposed son’s horoscope. (prefer horoscopes with Rahu in 7th or 8th house) to [email protected] or by post.
S/B professional parents are looking for a son to be introduced to their daughter 32,5’1”,graduated and working in UK. Visiting Sri Lanka in December. Partner already in UK preferred. Please write to hprop2018@gmail.com
Well off parents Southern Province seek an educated partner for absolutely beautiful UK qualified professional daughter 5’4” B/K/D 44 with assets. Caste immaterial. Reply with H/P. nalinisemagei@gmail.com
We are B/G parents inviting for an honest,smart,kind-hearted,positive minded son who lives and well settled in the USA with a similar background & around the same age for our Oct. 1984,5’6” height beautiful and kind daughter. She has a Ph.D. in Chemistry (2019) analionhl@gmail.com
We have a significant number of professionally qualified brides in Australia,New Zealand and Sri Lanka. They are looking for similarly qualified grooms living in Sri Lanka or overseas. Please contact by email. admin@auslankamatrimony.com.auor Ph: 61-415150483.