Dissanayake sets three Sri Lanka records at world weightlifting | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Dissanayake sets three Sri Lanka records at world weightlifting

22 September, 2019

Sri Lankan Commonwealth weightlifting silver medal winner Indika Dissanayake set up three new records at the World Weightlifting Championship in Pattaya, Thailand yesterday .

Dissanayake was top in the group ‘C ‘ in the 73 kg weight class lifting 298 kg. Earlier Dissanayake was the Sri Lankan record holder in this weight class with 133 kg Snatch, 161 kg Clean and Jerk for a total 291kg.

He set the new records lifting 134 Snatch and 164 Clean and Jerk for a total of 298kg.

When contacted over the phone Dissanayake said he was disappointed in the Clean and Jerk. “If I did that I could easily have ended with total 302 kg which is very good for the Olympic qualification. Actually I could have lifted 166 kg Clean and Jerk and 140 kg Snatch to complete a total 306 at the training but this time unfortunately I could not do my best at the Snatch method,” said Dissanayake.

World record holder from China Shi Zhiyong in this same weight class was expected to compete in the A group. This is very high competition but I was lucky to set up at least three Sri Lanka records,” Dissanayake added.

Meanwhile Sudesh Pieris also competed in this same 73 kg and finished second to Dissanayake with 290kg. He had 130kg in the Snatch and 160kg in the Clean and Jerk.

Chinthana Vidanage the experienced weight lifter also competed yesterday in the 81kg and was able to lift 298kg. He had 133kg in the Snatch and 165 kg in the Clean and Jerk.

