Dr Manonmani Shanmugathas’ book, Lankan Thamillogy - Some Registrations, on Lanka’s time immemorial up to the end of the 20th century was published by Kumaran Book House, Colombo. The book contains 266 pages and is priced Rs. 675. The book, written in 2012 has 20 chapters, as follows:
1.Classification of the History of Lank
an Tamil Literature
2. History of Lankan Tamil Literature. 3. History of Lankan Tamil Literature (900 AD to AD 1300)
4. Relationship in Lankan Tamil Literature prior to the Modern Literary Period
5. 20th century Lankan Tamil Literature
6. Naavalar and the Tradition of Tamil Education
7.Sathavathaani Kathiraivetpillai: Lankan Traditional Tamil Scholar
8. C Y Thamothampillai – a retrospective research
9. Prof Kanapathipilai’s social outlook
However, the author forgets the great role played by Swami Vipulanandar in the 20th century.
10. Kailasapathy’s Literary Forwardness
11. Infant’s (Juniors) poems in Lankan Tamil Literature
12. Haiku poems in the tradition of Lankan New Poetry tradition
13. K. Daniel’s Adimaikal (The Slaves) -a period piece of lifestyles
14. S. Ganesalingan’s Neenda Payanam (Long Journey) - a view
15. Yaalpaanathu Lifestyles
16. Yaalpaanathu Cultural Records - A Look
17. Yaalpaana Tamil Food Habits
18. Ramayana and Mahabharata in the tradition of Yaalpaanathu worship
19. Growth of Libraries in Yaalpaanam
20. Femininity Lankan tradition of Hindu religious worship.
The title of her book in Tamil is, Ilangaith Thamiliyal - Sila Pathivukal. It means: Some Aspects of Lankan Tamil Studies. But the author has confined herself to Jaffna Studies and ignored the contributions from the rest of the Provinces where Tamil is spoken. She has dedicated the book to the late Prof K. Sivathambi.
Apart from this failing, the book contains critical observations on Yaalpaanam activities. It is a well - researched book for her purpose.
I give below certain excerpts from the book that interest me.
On the late Prof Kailasapathi, she says: “He loved ancient Tamil Literature and explained how to teach Sangam literature. I have listened to his lectures and used his technique in teaching Sangam poetry to Japanese students. He boldly involved himself in comparative literature, and compared Sangam literature with Greek literature.”
We must remember that the author had been a lecturer to Japanese students and taught them Tamil literature. Dr Manonmani Shanmugadas was a researcher and lecturer at Kaksuei University in Japan and is the author of many books in Tamil.
In Chapter 5, the author mentions that Lankan Tamil Literature had been discussed under the following heads:
1.Mahavamsa Kings Period
2. Aariya Chakravarthi Period
3.Portuguese - Dutch Period
4. British Period
5. The Present Period
There is another classification:
1. Aariya Chakaravarthi Period
2. Portuguese Period
3. Dutch Period
4. British Period
5. The Independence Period
The late Dr Kumarasa (Sengayaalian) had suggested the following categories in analyzing Lankan Tamil Literature
1. Social Reform Period (1930-1949)
2. Progressive Period (1950-1963)
3. New Awakening Period
4. Thamil Nationalistic Period
In short, this book carries a lot of information on many subjects as far as Yaalpaanam is concerned and should be read by future historians of Lankan Tamil Literature.