AA academically and professionally qualified son is sought for 1983 born Kandyan,Bodu Govi,5’1”,fair complexioned academically qualified interior designer daughter,studied in a leading private school in Kandy,residing in Colombo suburb. Kindly write with family details and horoscope to proposal.respond.sh@gmail.com
About our Search: Slim and Pretty (MBBS) Doctor daughter currently a specialist trainee and working in Australia; Australian born in 1988 and 5’8”. Kandy/G Christian parents search for a professional son (prefer medical doctor,medical scientist,a Civil /Structural Engineer and should be an Australian) /NZ resident. A person from UK can be considered if that person is willing to migrate to Australia. Person of same faith is highly appreciated. Email: proposal2018step2@gmail.com
Above 5’11” academically professionally qualified loving and nice looking son from USA is sought by B/G parents of academically qualified daughter born in June 1987 graduated in London, Beautiful 5’9” tall and working in New York. Reply with family details. [email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified good natured caring partner from a respectable family is sought for Govi Buddhist daughter born in 1988,fair,5’2’’,graduated (MBA). Kindly reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: propose2vd@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified preferably an Engineer or Accountant below 30 years with sober habits partner is sought by Sinhala G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their 1992 March born,5’3’’ pretty & fair daughter working in a reputed PLC company in Colombo as an Accountant. She is a Chartered Accountant (CA) & holds a Management degree (1st class) in Accountancy and reading for MBA. She inherits valuable assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope (Kuja in 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses preferred) manorirld@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son,already employed in New Zealand or planning to migrate is sought by Sinhala Buddhist Karawa parents living in Colombo suburbs for our only child 5’5” height,age 25+ slim daughter,father professional,mother housewife. She studied in a leading school in Colombo and continued her Bachelor’s in an Australian business school. After working for a leading company for 2 years,held a Junior Management level position. Recently she left for New Zealand to do her further studies and obtain PR. She is brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values and an animal lover. Looking out for a caring partner and he should be tall and ambitious. Interest parties send details along with horoscope to harsha.fdo11@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well employed son is sought by Buddhist Deva parents for their daughter fair extremely pretty 38+,5’1’’ BSc,MSc. Engineer. 2019thilak@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered caring partner around 50 years of age is sought by B/G family from Colombo. Currently works in a reputed organization pretty slim 50 years of age but looks much younger. She inherits assets worth over 30 million. Please reply proplanthi@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by GB parents for their daughter MBBS doctor. She is slim,pretty,well-mannered with Sinhala Buddhist values,5’3” born November 1989. Please reply horoscope family details. jaywilegoda@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,respectable caring son is sought by B/G parents for their 34 years old,5’6”,daughter,now reading for Ph.D. in chemistry in the US. She is fair,kind and caring. Please reply with family details to analionhl@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified, 1989, Australian citizen, 5’3”, fair, Architect daughter. Currently residing in SL, Buddhist Kandyan parents seek professionally qualified partner. 081-2365308 [email protected]
Academically professionally qualified kind and caring suitable partner is sought by G/B parents for their daughter 29 years (1989) 5’3” fair and pretty qualified BSc (Accounting) Melbourne. Please reply with horoscope family details to. [email protected]
Academically professionally qualified son is sought by Colombo suburbs B/G parents for their daughter born in 1983,5’1”,educated at a leading School in Colombo,pretty fair never married holding LLB (Hons) (Colombo),LLM (Colombo) working as an Attorney-at-Law. Considerable movable and immovable assets. Caste immaterial. Willing to migrate. Reply with details & contact number. Email - proposallaw37@gmail.com
Academically professional qualified son sought by respectable Karawa- Kandyan Govi retired parents for younger daughter born in 1987 studied in a leading girls school in Kandy BSc (IT) and MSc. She is 5’6” tall, very kind and brought up according to Sinhala/ Buddhist values. Professional Senior software engineer in a leading multi national company.
Academically qualified pretty fair slim daughter 5’2”,age 34,works in a reputed multinational audit firm and inheriting substantial assets,seeks professionally qualified partner preferred with sober habits non-smoker from a wealthy family. Email to: propo2019colombo8487@gmail.comwith horoscopes and full details in first email.
Academically & professionally qualified kind hearted,well mannered son with good family background is sought by GB parents from Colombo suburbs for their well brought up daughter 28+,5’3”,BA,LLB (London),Attorney-at-Law. Reply with horoscope (Kuja 7 compatible) and family details to email : mprop3010@yahoo.com
Academically, professionally qualified, well-mannered partner below 44 years is sought by Buddhist parents from Kandy for their, pretty, slim and very attractive daughter, 1980 born, 5’2”, who holds Bachelor & Master degrees in Business Administration plus other professional qualifications and is employed in a reputed commercial establishment in Sri Lanka. Email: [email protected]
Affluent Govi Buddhist parents from Colombo suburbs seek a suitable partner from a similar family background for their well accomplished daughter BSc.,MBA educated in a leading girls’ school in Colombo,slim,5’5”,pleasant and smart born in 84 November working at a leading Apparel Manufacturing Company as the Deputy General Manager,She inherits substantial assets including a luxury house and a car. Please respond with a copy of the HC to jds7sn@gmail.com
Affluent well connected G/B parents seek groom over 42 from a similar background for their daughter,she is a professional educated at a prestigious University in the UK. She is very pretty,fair and interested in charity work and Buddhism. chuladhnk036@gmail.com
Affluent,professional Kandyan G/B family seeks a tall,handsome,well-qualified,financially well-established,professional or a businessman,TT/NS,above 39,who is cultured and fluent in English,from similar background,for only daughter ,fair,slim and considered extremely attractive and exceptionally young looking. Has an excellent command of English. Well-employed with substantial assets. Differences immaterial. Short marriages,innocent party also will be considered. Full details and contact numbers in first letter. jm96312@gmail.com
Australian citizen,academically professionally qualified pretty daughter 37 yrs.,5’2’’ parents seek partner from I.T. only. Without Kuja Dosa. Willing to come to Sydney only. Owns residence. Please send horoscope and details. Email: dezoysa2011@gmail.com
Australian resident Buddhist G/C professional parents seek professionally qualified carying NS/TT son for their daughter Australian citizen age 27 years,height 5’3’’,Diploma holder and currently undergraduate studying in reputed university in Sydney. She is fair and beautiful well mannered. Only brother is a Senior Engineer working in a reputed government organization. Reply with contact numbers,family details and copy of horoscope. E-mail: austmarriage1958@gmail.com
Australian - Sri Lankan professional parents of mixed ethnic background seek academically and professionally qualified,well mannered,TT/NS son above 5’ 10” in height and of 27-30 years of age,for their 26 year old PhD (in Neurosciences) qualified daughter (5’6”,fair,pretty and slim),brought up with Sinhala Buddhist beliefs and cultural values. Australian residents or those willing to reside in Australia preferred. Please reply with non-malefic horoscope and family details to: rathurosa90@gmail.com
A Sinhala Bodu /Govi respectable family in Canada is seeking an educated partner for their educated and well employed,attractive daughter who just turned 29 years. Reply with horoscope and family details to: lakesin2017@gmail.comor winterzmay@gmail.com
BG only daughter 37,5’6” fair pretty born in UK raised with Sinhalese values senior position in finance sector assets UK/SL professional partner from UK is sought. Horoscope required. abeyguru@hotmail.com
Bodu Govi business family parents from Western Province seek for a suitable partner for their daughter who was born in 1987 Feb. 5’3’’ in height. She has completed her studied up to Masters degree in Accounting in Australia and now based in Sri Lanka. She is fair and pretty. She inherits substantial income generating assets as dowry. Willing to migrate. Please write the grooms born in 1982 and 1986. Reply with family details along with horoscope and contact numbers. Please reply to jhl1987prop@gmail.com
Bodu Govi parents seek professionally academically qualified son for their youngest daughter,fair,attractive born 1989/02,5’4”,BSc. (Hons) Peradeniya reading for PhD. in USA final year. Please reply with details and horoscope. proposalsbtk@gmail.com
Buddhist Govigama retired executive parents from Colombo seek a professionally qualified partner for their daughter height 5’1” born in 1986 ACMA qualified and currently employed in a leading multinational company in Colombo. Inherits a house from Colombo and other assets. Reply with family details and copy of horoscope.
Buddhist parents from Colombo suburbs seek a suitable partner for their university graduate daughter 22 yrs,5’5’’ employed in Australia. Must be a professionally qualified,non-smoker of excellent character and good personality,5’8’’ or taller,no more than 28 yrs. old. Please reply to; priyaw@bigpond.comwith all family details and an image or social media links.
Buddhist Sinhala Doctor parents residing in UK seek academically and professionally qualified sober husband for daughter 28 years 5’4” Accountant in UK company. Please respond with family details and horoscope. Email: piknan@hotmail.com
B/G Colombo parents seek academically and professionally qualified partner for daughter aged 36,fair and pretty with two kids under 5 years,widowed or single fathers accepted. Only Australian PR /citizens accepted. Genuine inquiries only. Email - proposals457@yahoo.com
B/G parents in Colombo District seek for a suitable partner above 5’10” height for their pretty slim fair educated daughter born in September 1992. Height 5’5”,employed as an Executive in a reputed company. Only sister is married and live in US. TP: 011-2837502. Email: propsal199209@gmail.com(Pl. call after 6 p.m.).
B/G parents seeking a professional handsome son preferably living in Canada or USA for our daughter living in Canada who holds a dual citizenship. She is 27,5’,pretty and fair,graduated from well reputable University in Canada and has a Business Degree. Currently working at a leading Company. Please reply with family details and contact information. E-Mail : proposal3018@yahoo.com
B/G/K professional parents from Mount Lavinia seek an Engineer or IT professional partner for their 34 yrs.,5’4”,1984 December born daughter,Visakhian,Chartered Architect,completed MSc. in Australia. Willing to migrate to Australia. Wrushaba Lagna,Revathi Nekatha,7 - Bhuda,Shani,Kethu,1-Rahu. Please email horoscope and family details. Email : pererachanaki@gmail.com
B/K respectable family in close proximity to Colombo,parents are looking for professionally qualified,well mannered,suitable partner willing to settle down in Australia for their daughter born in 1990 August,5’4”,pretty & fair,MBBS qualified,currently reading for a Master’s Degree in an Australian University. Please reply with full details & horoscope to: mrdpro8735@gmail.com
B/Viswakula parents from Colombo suburbs seek professionally qualified,kind hearted son with sober habits for their daughter 32 yrs,5’4”,slim,fair & pretty. L.L.B. (UK) qualified Attorney-al-Law working in a bank. She owns an apartment in Mount Lavinia. Differences immaterial. Reply to: propsw60@gmail.comTel: 0112736955.
Catholic parents from Colombo suburbs seek professionally qualified,well-employed son,below 30 yrs,above 5’7”,for their 26 yrs pretty,slim,medium complexion,well-employed,Lawyer daughter. Interested in migrating. Reply with picture and full details to: chamariebatt@gmail.com
Christian/Buddhist parents seeking a life partner for their only child,slim & fair daughter,5’2” tall,born in 1994,graduated at a foreign university. Please reply with details to: janjay844@yahoo.com.
Colombo B/K parents seek a professional employed with means for their daughter 22 years old 5’4” slim, final year medical student, studying abroad. Reply with h’cope and family details. [email protected]
Colombo G/B respectable parents seeks well employed son for their daughter MA qualified holding Manager position. Kuja Shani in 12 house. born 1982. 5’3” & pretty [email protected]
Colombo G/B respectable parents seek a well employed son for their daughter HR Executive Studying for the degree. Born 1987 Dec. 5’2” height. Pretty. Horoscope & Family details. [email protected]
Colombo suburb Bodu Govi /Salagama parents seek professionally qualified son for our fair pretty daughter,born in 1984 December 5’4” height studied in a leading girls’ school in Colombo MBBS Doctor currently working in a Government Hospital. She inherits valuable assets including house and other properties. Please reply with horoscope and family details. email - ysunilsilva45@gmail.com
Fifty five year old English speaking Govigama Roman Catholic lady,fair in complexion and slim,looks much younger than her age,professionally qualified and employed in Colombo with no encumbrances seeks a gentleman as marriage partner. Ethnicity,caste and religion immaterial but a Christian is preferred. Divorcee or widower will be considered. Willing to migrate abroad if necessary. Email: jessicacabraal@gmail.com
Govigama Roman Catholic parents seek a professionally qualified partner for their only daughter born in October 1996,height 5’ 1 1/2” and fair,educated at leading schools in Colombo. She is a third year Business Management undergraduate at a Government University in Colombo. She has two more subjects to complete in professional level ACCA (UK). Possesses substantial assets. Email - randhil@gmail.com0332231310,033-2223257.
G/B teacher mother from Kandy looking for an academically and professionally qualified non smoking and teetotaler partner, age below 31, for daughter born in 1993, fair, 5’1”, with Sinhala Buddhist background. Now doing masters in TESOL (Teaching English to speakers of other Languages) Willing to live in Australia. Brother is an undergraduate, faculty of Engineering. Father was an engineer. [email protected]
G/B well established Australian citizen parents seek an academically and professionally qualified loving,caring,tall and handsome son from a respectable family preferably on Australian resident medical doctor for their 25 years old daughter who is 5’5” tall,very pretty,fair,slim medical doctor born and educated in Australia. Please reply with full family details to: yearbgood@gmail.com
Kalutara GB retired Govt employee mother seeks educated son below 31,5’10” with Sinhala values for daughter Kuja seven 27,5’6” pretty graduate reading for Master’s in Japan,younger sister Law student. Reply with details horoscope. amarasinghepushpa@gmail.com
K/G/B respectable parents invite matured educated professionally qualified son with honest & temperate qualities essentially with foreign exposure for only child 21,5’5’’,fair,very pretty,modest and accomplished recent graduate from USA planning to pursue a master’s in the field of higher education in USA. Prior registration of marriage annulled. Inherits valuable assets in SL. Please reply together with contact number e-mail: marriagemdsd@gmail.com
Malay parents from a respectable family seeks a groom for daughter aged 24 height 5’3” fair well-educated and employed in a reputed organization in Colombo.blue.ocean5991@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo seek a suitable,professionally qualified partner for their daughter aged 27,height 5’4”,slim & fair,educated in 2 reputed International Schools in Colombo. Holds a Professional Qualification in Human Resources Management and is presently employed in a reputed Diplomatic Mission (Embassy) in Colombo. If interested,please e-mail details to : shamohamed65@gmail.com
Moor parents from respectable family in Colombo seek professionally qualified pleasant partner from Colombo /Suburb age between 26 & 29,religious,well mannered,understanding NS/TT for graduated daughter age 25,height 5’2”,smart,wears Hijab & working as Interior Designer. Email full details col_nikah786@yahoo.com
Moor parents living in Europe looking for a qualified and religious groom for their daughter born in 1992,5’3’’ in height and has obtained her Bachelors and Masters. Please reply with details. Email: proposal19@outlook.com- Tel: 0094112874145
Mother of reputed business family seeks educated kind partner below 35 over 5’8’’ in height earning high salary locally or overseas or from steady business family for her pretty fair shapely daughter born 1990,height 5’6’’ with assets over 40 million and knowledge of business,involved in field of Art,separated from fraudulent brief marriage lasted one month without ceremony,Western Province preferred. 011 7400900. pmproposal@gmail.com
Muslim family,seek suitable partner for revert sister Chartered Accountant well employed 30 years 5ft. 3,fair,willing to migrate. NJMZRX123@gmail.com
Muslim professional Colombo parents seek suitable partner for daughter IT graduate 29 years 5 ft. 6,fair willing to migrate. MPZS2016@gmail.com
Nugegoda Karawa/Govi Catholic parents father retired Government Senior Executive seeks Christian /Catholic professionally qualified partner for Convent educated Christian 30,5’4”,slim,CIMA,MBA,attractive,elder daughter working online drawing six figure salary monthly. trueinfo88@gmail.com
Partner is sought for G/B 28 pretty daughter lawyer from a respectable family Kuja in 7 professionals or businessman preferred. Migration considered. proposal393@gmail.com
Professional G/B parents looking for academically qualified son for a daughter studied at Visaka V. Colombo 32 y. 5’7” pretty slim fair having Research Degree serving in a University. prorbg1@gmail.com
professional partner is sought for Govi Buddhist 28, 5’4” very fair and pretty daughter working as a accountant in top company parents doing family business. She owns a modern house and vehicle preferably living close to Colombo. [email protected]
Respectable Bodhiwansika/ Govi Buddhist professional parents from Kandy seek a suitable partner for their well brought up 5’2” fair pleasant 37yrs old educated daughter, currently working as a senior lecturer at a university of Colombo. Please reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected]
Respectable Buddhist Karawa/ Kandyan Govi retired parents seek a partner for their eldest daughter born in 1980, 5’8” tall qualified Beautician/ Fashion designer runs her own salon in Kandy. She is wearing a ear phone due to slight loss of hearing due to childhood measles. Studied in a leading girls college. Higher studied in India. Normal speech.
Respectable Govi/Buddhist parents from Colombo,seek a steady suitable partner from a similar background,for their 1990 born daughter. Height 5’2’’ with pleasing personality and good moral values. Studied at a leading girls’ school in Colombo. Horoscope to be compatible with Kuja,Shukra and Rahu in 7th house. Will inherit substantial value of Assets in Colombo. Write with family details and copy of the horoscope to proag1234@gmail.com
Roman Catholic,Pretty,educated,well mannered 5’7’’ girl,born in April 1979,working as a pharmacy tech in a reputed hospital is seeking a suitable,well mannered,good looking,educate professional who is willing to live in the USA. Interested parties please reply to the following code. romalaemmanuel@gmail.com
SGB parents seek a partner for their lady doctor born in 1992. Please write with horoscope.
Sinhala Buddhist parents seek suitable partner for their daughter Civil Engineer,59 years,5’0” height presently working in private sector. She inherits substantial assets including brand new car. Please reply with full details. E-mail: samanthikaS583@gmail.com/maheshpt4@gmail.com
Sinhala /Tamil mixed parents from Colombo invite an academically and professionally qualified son for daughter 25,5’3” medium complexioned studied at a leading Buddhist school in Colombo completed PQHRM and reading for final year B.Sc (Hons) Business Management working as HR Executive at MNC based in Colombo. Rahu 8,Ma Nekatha,Mesha Lagna. Reply with family details including horoscope,contact number & Email etc. E-mail to: pmarrage94@gmail.com
Sinhala,Buddhist parents seek suitable partner for their daughter Civil Engineer 59 years,5’10” height presently working in private sector. She inherits substantial assets including brand new car. Please reply with full details. Email: samanthikas@gmail.com/maheshpt4@gmail.com
Sinhalese parents from Colombo seek a kind,handsome and educated partner who is westernised but with Sri Lankan values for their 32 year old daughter. She is a fair,pretty,5’6”,Doctor,very family oriented and is working in Colombo at present. Partner in similar profession and willing to settle in Sri Lanka preferred. Religion,race,caste and horoscope is immaterial. Please email : angrosh@hotmail.com
Sri Lankan Buddhist parents in Europe,looking for a professionally qualified son with Sri Lankan values for their eldest and only daughter,graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture,Eu. citizen 28 yrs. old,5’3” in height,brought up with Sri Lankan values. Please reply with details,birthday,time and place of birth. (Horoscope). E-mail : mail_anfuture@gmx.at
S/B respectable parents living in Canada seek professionally qualified son for their 26 years daughter. He should be willing to migrate to Canada. She is professionally and academically qualified and working in Canada. Reply with family details horoscope and contact number. Email: mwb_family@yahoo.com
Upper middle class parents looking for a well established genuine & good looking Sinhalese Buddhist boy preferably living in Sydney. Age 30-36 above 5’7’’ for our only daughter brought up with Sinhalese culture. She is tall,fair & pretty,good charactered. IT Executive in a garment factory BOI Katunayake. mano_peiris@hotmail.com011-2875950 on Holidays.
We are Kandyan B/G retired State Professionals invite academically professionally qualified son with good personality for pretty fair 5’3” 35 yrs. BSc MBA (local Universities) managerial position in leading business establishments drawing six figure salary daughter willing to migrate (USA/UK etc.) wanpropcsal@gmail.com081 2201605.
1984,5’3’’,BG family seeks an MBBS Doctor or an Engineer son willing to migrate to our daughter Scientist is a Bio-Med (Hons) and PhD from a prestigious Australian University. daya2591@gmail.com
1989 December born pretty,well accomplished daughter,5’2’’ in height,had her entire education at a leading private girls school in Colombo,graduated from a university abroad,holds a management degree and now attached to a corporate office of a leading hotel chain in Sri Lanka holding a managerial position. She will inherit parental assets. Govi Buddhist professional parents residing close to Colombo,seek a professionally qualified,well mannered partner for their daughter. Please reply with family details and horoscope to email:mkg1960@yahoo.com