Sinhala folk music is considered as a dying art form but it holds the key to the nation’s musical identity. Folk poems, Jana Kavi, originated as communal song shared within individual groups as they engaged in daily work. Today, they remain a popular form of cultural and musical expression. Folk poems were sung by ancient people. These ancient rites are rarely performed in contemporary Sri Lanka, but the preserved songs are still performed by folk musicians. The history of Folk Music goes way back. From village dramas and labour-related songs to deity rites, folk music falls into diverse ranges of music, each range representing different facets of our culture. Expending efforts to foster folk music and folk poetry for their eternal grace, ‘Sihanada Janashruthika Kalaayathanaya’ presents ‘Sakhanda’, a musical show that brings out many folk musical items as in, ‘Asdambara Koolama, Ginisisila, Salupaaliya, Jana Geethaya, Jana Natum’. The show will be held on February 8, 2019 at the Town Hall Auditorium, Mathugama with the presence of renowned artistes, Rohana Baddage, Wasantha Dukgannaraala and Saman Panaapitiya as the chief guests. Tickets are available at the entrance. Sihanada Kalaayathanaya is an art forum of 24 artistes with six vocalists and eighteen instrumentalists. Sakhanda will provide a great platform to advocate folk music as an inseparable part of our culture and identity.