Diamond-Jubilee Get-together | Sunday Observer

Diamond-Jubilee Get-together

4 November, 2018

From North, South, East & West,
The then Ceylon’s Schools’ best,
Entered a batch of students to the portals of the-One and only Ceylon University,
To be enrolled to follow courses in its Science
Engineering & Agricultural faculties,

The type of ragging that prevailed caused them
Much anxiety,
Thus generating among them a spirit of camaraderie,
Which has lasted a period of 60 earth years?
Traditionally known as the Diamond-Jubilee year.

The rag that caused them much dread,
To the K-G Hall they were led,
Poll-taxed and subjected to a bombardment of tomatoes
and rotten eggs
That provided the seniors as well as the fresher’s much entertainment.

An event of lasting memory,
Was the lecture by Basil Mendis “On the flat earth theory”
At the request of the Science Students Union.
That caused the Astronomer Douglas Amarasekara
Much vexation.

Another memorable venture was
The attempt by the Engineering and Science students
to launch a rocket to go beyond the stratosphere
Which was a complete failure, causing these armature rocketist to run
Helter-skelter for cover.

The university’s ambience
Was not only conductive to achieve academic
And it was also an arena where cupid with his bow and arrow
had his say.
Thus causing joy to some and sorrow to others.

After being lectured and nurtured by many a professor of
Intellectual stature
And graduating entered the world’s stage,
To engage in many a multifarious venture,
Some reaching great heights whilst on the world’s stage.

They meet to celebrate this unique milestone event
To propose a toast – for a camaraderie 10 years
Short of the Biblical age,
With a drink that Cheers!
Even with walking aids due to advancing years.

- Anton Pulle
