A month of blessing for reaping rich rewards | Sunday Observer

A month of blessing for reaping rich rewards

20 May, 2018

Muslims across the globe eagerly make preparations to welcome the advent of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan, that is packed with the power of benign blessings and a great mercy of Allah for the whole world.

"In Ramadan, Gates of paradise are opened, Gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained up"-Sahih Bukhari.

Hence, it is clear that every human being gets this rare opportunity to turn a new leaf to get success for himself/ herself in this world and the Hereafter. Ramadan is the ideal occasion where a Muslim can easily display the excellent qualities, behaviour, positive attitude and ideal actions promoted by Islam, encouraging unity in diversity.The Blessed month of Ramadan is at hand! Can any of us slip away this golden opportunity without reaping the rewards that are readily offered by Almighty Allah. Fasting is the 4th obligatory duty that should be adhered to the letter, as other duties. It is not a mere ritual where we refrain from the consumption of food, drink, etc. It is an act of worship done with dedication and spirit. Let us make use of every moment of this great month with our everyday activities plus good deeds ranging from reciting the Holy Quran, offering compulsory and voluntary prayers to giving charity to the poor and the needy and sans the commitment of vices.

Challenges and grievances

Today, Muslims in Sri Lanka welcome this blessed month with open arms and a lot of expectations, as there was a time of tension recently that affected the whole nation in general and the Muslims in particular. The unwanted incidents in Kandy and some other parts of this isle have taught us all to be kind, cautious and reasonable. The minute slice of unruly elements that caused unrest and tension among communities should not be allowed to continue their agendas. It has brought a black mark to the image of our beloved isle. May the blessings of Ramadan help rebuild the rapport between the Muslims and other communities that has been kept intact since time immemorial. How can the Muslims make their contributions toward this end.Obviously, it is through their words and deeds that they should win the hearts and minds of their non-Muslim counterparts. Islam that promotes unity among all communities has given fasting as a training for the purification of the soul, and refining of the character via controlling cravings and unlimited freedom. When a Muslim strictly adheres to fasting he causes no harm to anyone, but promotes friendship and peace. It is apt to remind that Muslims are essentially expected to have a healthy relationship with neighbours, regardless of ethnicity and other differences. In Sri Lanka, there are families of various communities who live side by side, in many villages, towns and cities. Therefore Muslims are duty bound to take an interest in the welfare and betterment of their neighbours. Islam never said that Muslims should look after only their Muslim neighbours. The following Hadith clearly proves this.

The Prophet, (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: "By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer.’’ It was asked, "Who is that, O Messenger of Allah?’’ He said, "One whose neighbour does not feel safe from his evil" (Sahih Bukhari).

Ramadan is the ideal occasion where the good qualities of the Muslims will attract members of other communities of this beautiful nation.

Fasting gives one a first-hand experience to realize the pangs of hunger, thus prompting one to show mercy towards the poor and the destitute. Almighty Allah has again asked the Muslims not to forget their neighbours when the time comes for taking meals. He categorically did not mention the neighbour to be a Muslim.

The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH) says:" He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbour beside him goes hungry" (Bukhari).

Hence, it is evident that no Muslim can escape from the wrath of Allah if he fails to take care of the neighbours in terms of food in their surroundings.

Unfortunately, today, the picture of the Muslim world is in a sorry state of affairs as many Islamic countries are in tension and trouble. A considerable portion of Muslims encounter various challenges and hardship in the form of conflict, war, racial discrimination, poverty etc. There are thousands of hapless Muslims languishing in refugee camps or confined to a limited area due to hostilities and unwanted wars. The plight of the Palestinians for their legitimate rights and the statehood, the woes of the displaced Rohingiya Muslims in Myanmar and Bangladesh, and the untold hardship of Muslims in war torn nations such as Syria, Yemen, and Libya cannot be easily forgotten as Ramadan has joined us giving an opportunity to work for their betterment as well. Therefore, it is our bounden duty to make plans and take some meaningful measures that will wipe away the tears of these brethren in these countries where poverty has placed a substantial portion of them below the line.


The main purpose of fasting is to instil God fearing or taqwa so that every person will lead a life that helps them do good deeds. The Holy Quran clearly indicates this in the following words.

"Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you many learn piety and righteousness" (Q 2:183)

Duties and daily activities

Ramadan is not an excuse to ignore our chores, daily duties and other activities at home or the work station. Similarly, a student is required to engage in studies while holding the fast. Timings can be arranged giving priority to daily five time prayers, etc. Fasting makes Almighty Allah so satisfied and the following Hadis proves it.

Every good deed of Adam's son is for him except fasting. It is for me and I shall reward (fasting person) for it. Verily, the smell of the mouth of fasting person is better to Allah than the smell of musk. Hadith-Bukhari The blessings of Allah are numerous and cannot be forgotten easily without making mention of the Night of Power that comes in the latter part of Ramadan. Indeed, it is the greatest night that witnessed the revelation of the Holy Quran that is the clear guidance to mankind. Can any of us miss out this glorious night without getting engaged in good deeds such as, the recital of the Holy Quran, offering of prayers, pleading supplication and seeking repentance and forgiveness.

The night Qadr is better than a thousand nights. (Quran-97:3)

In conclusion, Ramadan is a time for the preparation of one's entire life. It helps us control all our desires and actions. It teaches us the importance of qualities such as, humility, patience, cooperation, friendship, honesty, love. It is not an end though it makes its departure after 30 days. Every Muslim is expected to get the training and continue the good life that is filled with good deeds throughout his or her life. Aptly, Almighty Allah reminds us of this message via Bukhari and Muslim in the following lines.
