Army celebrates Bakmaha Ulela 2018 | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Army celebrates Bakmaha Ulela 2018

22 April, 2018

All officers and other rankers serving at Army Headquarters (AHQ) joined as one massive family to capture the exuberance of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year, participating in a variety of traditional rituals and games, at the Army Cantonment, Panagoda. The entire day resonated with our cultural heritage.

Army Commander, Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake was present at the ‘Bakmaha Ulela 2018’ as Chief Guest, together with Chandrika Senanayake, President, Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU). Major General Dampath Fernando, Chief of Staff and other senior officers were also present.

Senior officers at the Army Headquarters, ASVU members, other ranks, invitees and members of the civil staff joined hands and engaged in a variety of games and entertainment.

Raban playing, tug-of-war, pillow-fights, climbing the grease laden pole, selection of the beautiful and elegant ‘Avurudu Kumari’ and the vibrant ‘Avurudu Kumaraya’ took centre stage. This was supplemented by a creative fancy dress parade. At the culmination of the games, Lieutenant General Senanayake and several senior officers gave away gifts and trophies. At the end, all officers and soldiers took part in their traditional lunch, in a spirit of enhanced camaraderie.

