BRIDEGROOMS | Page 3 | Sunday Observer


15 April, 2018

Absolutely pretty fair slim daughter age below 31 is sought by Colombo suburb G/​B parents,​ for their non-smoking,​ non-alcholic,​ Civil Engineer son,​ graduated from Nottingham University,​ UK. (Kuja 7th house). Email : p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​m​3​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​               

A decent,​ kind hearted,​ well mannered,​ pretty,​ honest,​ never married daughter from a respectable Sinhala Catholic family with a suitable background is sought for a handsome,​ kind hearted,​ religious minded,​ teetotaller,​ non smoker,​ nature and music loving 1969 October born,​ height 5’10”,​ never married son from Negombo area. Managing Director of a well established private company in Colombo with an annual income of around Rupees four million and luxury official vehicle. Owning assets valued around Rupees Twenty Five Million including two storied house,​ property and cash. Differences immaterial. Letter or email with full styled details is anticipated. h​a​p​p​y​m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​       

A good natured girl /​ lady is sought by sister for her brother Roman Catholic,​ Canadian citizen Sinhala 53 yrs. 5’7” divorced no encumbrances,​ employed in the private sector as a Quality Controller. Please send full family details to: g​e​rardres​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​a​           

Colombo B/​K parents seek a qualified pretty educated daughter for son of 33 yrs. 5’6” Post Graduate qualified and employed as Sales Manager of foreign company. Reply with family details and copy of horoscope. d​h​a​m​m​i​k​a​g​u​n​a​s​e​k​e​r​a​@​y​a​h​o​o​o​.​c​o​m​     

Educated and caring daughter is sought by B/​G parents for their son,​ 27,​ 5’9” permanent resident in USA. He is academically qualified and currently working at a reputed company. Please contact with horoscope and a recent photograph. s​r​i​l​a​n​k​a​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​1​8​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​        

Retired professional parents from Kandy /​ Colombo,​ currently residing in Canada,​ seek for their son,​ 29 yrs,​ 5’8’’,​ fair and slim,​ academically and professionally qualified in Software Engineering and employed in Canada,​ a partner of similar educational and family background with sober habits and Sinhala Buddhist values. Please email with family details. p​a​i​n​i​t​e​6​2​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​           

Sinhala Catholic parents seek an educated pretty,​ fair daughter from Australia,​ New Zealand for their 31 years,​ 5’10”,​ Senior Executive son BSc,​ MBA qualified from USA processing papers for Australian PR. Reply: m​w​a​r​n​a​k​u​l​a​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​          

Sinhala Catholic,​ age 24,​ UK citizen,​ Mechanical Engineering Masters qualified,​ employed as a professional in Banking sector in UK,​ 5’9” tall,​ handsome,​ excellent character with inherited substantial wealth and business in Sri Lanka,​ from respectable family,​ looking for a daughter preferably from UK. j​u​d​e​d​o​n​@​a​o​l​.​c​o​m​ 0112939501.               

Sinhala Christian parents seek a fair pretty educated bride for son born in 1988,​ height 6’1’’,​ fair and handsome. Presently employed as a second officer in a merchant ship. He inherits a house and property which includes one acre and a new car. 011-4556500 p​r​e​s​a​n​t​h​a​r​o​d​r​i​g​o​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​      

1995 June 6 ft Christian parents seek a partner for their loving son living and graduated in UK. NS/​TT group up with Sri Lanka values. Owns substantial assets in Sri Lanka. We are looking for a well educated,​ well mannered pretty daughter with a very good family background. Please send us horoscope with family details. m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​9​1​@​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​.​c​o​m​               
