104th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Scout Association, Colombo District Branch. | Page 5 | Sunday Observer

104th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Scout Association, Colombo District Branch.

8 April, 2018

The 104th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Scout Association, Colombo District Branch was held at the Main Hall of Royal College, Colombo 7. The Chief Guest for the event was Mr. Sarath Jayamanne, President’s Counsel & Director General of the Commission to investigate allegations of Bribery or Corruption in Sri Lanka. He was warmly welcomed by Mr. Janaprith Fernando, Committee Member World organization of the Scout Movement, Deputy Chief Commissioner of SLSA and Honorary District Commissioner of Colombo District, Mr. Suren Wikkramatilleke District Commissioner, Mr. Sukumar Rockwood Chairman of the executive Committee of Colombo District, Assistant District Commissioners, members of the Executive Committee, life members, parents and Scouts.

Mr. Sarath  Jayamanne in his speech mentioned that corruption sprouts from us as ordinary citizens who may violate a simple regulation in a fish shop by giving a personal tip to an employee rather than putting the tip in the donation box which would be equally distributed to all employees. We as citizens to receive a better, personalised service would be initiating the corruption. He encouraged the audience to think deeply within where we violate such simple day to day instances which fuels acceptance of corruption in our society. He directed the audience attention to the children who accompany on such visits to the fish shop and is watching his/her parents engagement. Thus, the child accepts such violations are tolerated. So as adults we are giving a wrong message to the next generation.

Another, intriguing example used by Mr. Jayamanne was a workshop held for school children and teachers. There were 2 shops available with various groceries and products, one for the teachers and the other for the children. There were no cashiers nor sales staff on duty and the responsibility of each individual was to put the value of the product into a box available. Once the sales were closed and the goods tallied to the money collected, the shop where the children purchased the cash collected was correct and added to the goods purchased but in the teachers shop there was a shortage. This example depicts that it is not in the mind of the child to be corrupt but it is the adult society that victimizes the child through examples set before them.

Mr. Jayamanne quoted from Dhamma and Christian Scriptures and also from Polonnarauwa history to world history using examples such as Michael Angelo, Leonardo Da Vinnci and recent history maker Steve Jobbs. His message to all present was that anything gained through violations, bribery or corruption only perishes man physically, mentally and spiritually which has an automatic impact to society and nation at large. His brilliant message was well accepted by all who were  present and is a firm foundation for the Colombo District Scout Association to build their values and strategies for the future.

Janaprith Fernando, Deputy Chief Commissioner Sri Lanka and member of the World Scout Committee addressing the gathering spoke of the steps taken by Sri Lanka Scouts to inculcate good values in the membership of Sri Lanka which is 60,000. He said that the Scout movement which was started with 20 boys by Lord Baden Powell in 1907 has a membership of 52 million Scouts in over 200 countries and territories. He said that the movement has created girls and boys with better values, leadership qualities, team players and all-rounders and has an alumni of over 600 million in the last 110 years.

The Chief Guest, Mr. Sarath Jayamanne, PC,                 The Chief Guest, Mr. Sarath Jayamanne, Pc

Director General of the Commission to Investigate        Director General of the Commission to Investigate

Bribery and Corruption in Sri Lanka, being                    Bribery and Corruption in Sri Lanka, being

welcomed by Colombo District Commissioner,              accorded a Guard of Honor by Senior Scouts of

Suren Wikkramatilaka in the presence of Janaprith         Colombo District and Mr. Janaprith Fernando

Fernando, AAL, Member of the World Scout                    Fernando, AAL, Member of the World Scout

Committee and Deputy Chief Commissioner of Sri          Committee and Deputy Chief Commissioner of

Lanka Scout Association.                                                 Sri Lanka Scouts Association and Colombo

                                                                                      District Committee, Mr. Suren Wikkramatilleke. Thanks







