Mrs. Sylvia Weerasinghe: A lasting legacy that will not fade away | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Mrs. Sylvia Weerasinghe: A lasting legacy that will not fade away

8 April, 2018


A tribute to Mrs. Sylvia Weerasinghe, Founder President of Women’s Aglow Fellowship, Sri Lanka (1979 to 2015)

“It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon, all those around will warm up to its glowing, that’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it, you’ll spread His love to everyone, you’ll want to pass it on.”

Aunty Sylvia, as we fondly call her had an encounter with Jesus, when she was going through a painful and difficult season in her life. Having been widowed at a young age, and having to raise a young family and facing an uncertain future, God spoke to her through every verse of Isaiah chapter 54. “Your Maker will be your husband, the Lord of Hosts is His Name, Your Redeemer, He is called the Lord of all the earth.” She surrendered her life to the true and Living God.

It was a cold winter’s night when Aunty Sylvia attended a Women’s Aglow fellowship meeting in Minnesota in 1977, during her very first visit to the United States. What she experienced at that meeting had a lasting impact upon her life. She was challenged to start a fellowship in Sri Lanka. In 1979 she yielded to the call of God to birth this ministry in Sri Lanka. At the very first meeting around 40 women attended. Soon word got round and she was invited to start fellowships in different parts of the Island. God set her heart aflame and she began to share the love of Jesus with the hurting, broken, sad and lonely women,

She travelled across the country to start Aglow fellowships, not in the comfort of air conditioned vehicles, but by public transport. It was such a joy to accompany her on these travels as she made every trip so enjoyable with her wit and humour. “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach Good News...” As local chapters were started there were monthly fellowship meetings where women shared their testimonies to encourage and build up the lives of women.

She attended the International Conferences in the States and yearned to see the day when Sri Lanka could host their National Conference in a hotel. Just with Rs. 300 in her purse she went to Hotel Orchard in Wellawatte. This was in the year 1987. As she stood at the door of the Manager’s room, he got up and came immediately to greet her. He said, “For a moment I thought you were my mother.”

Knowing this was God’s favour she requested permission to hold the Conference in his hotel. He agreed. No advance was paid. But God was faithful and met every need. She had great faith in her Master. As the number of women who attended these annual conferences began to swell she began to look out for more spacious hotels. For the last 20 years or more we have had our conferences at Holiday Inn, now Hotel Ramada, Galle Face, Colombo 3, and we have been greatly blessed.

From small beginnings, this fellowship began to grow, with branches in the upcountry areas, Colombo and its suburbs. She was a strict disciplinarian and taught us the importance of commitment, diligence, dedication and punctuality. She taught us how to be a godly wife and mother, and as women wield a powerful influence over their homes. She taught us dress ethics, to dress modestly. She herself set an example, and was always dressed elegantly. She raised up a band of godly women, mostly timid housewives who began to share their faith at the monthly fellowship meetings. Many lives were touched, homes and marriages were blessed and God’s peace began to reign in their hearts and home.

She has left a lasting legacy that will not fade away. We will serve the Lord and pass on the baton to the generations to come.

“Many women have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.”

Mrs. Vasanthi Jayawardene
National President,
Women’s Aglow Fellowship,
Sri Lanka.
