Alleluia, Christ is risen! | Page 13 | Sunday Observer

Alleluia, Christ is risen!

1 April, 2018

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Easter?

If you have walked through the store aisles lately, you would have seen many reminders that Easter is coming. As a Christian, the first image might be the cross or the empty tomb. But, for many, a blitz of media images and merchandise on the store shelves make it more likely that a bunny that brings chocolate eggs in a basket comes to mind instead of a Saviour who brings life. While many will spend this weekend enjoying chocolates and the Easter bunny and hunting for Easter eggs, millions will be celebrating Jesus’ coming back from the dead.

Is it any wonder that our children are more excited about the coming of the Easter Bunny than of the coming of God’s kingdom?

We spend many days on colouring eggs and baskets but focus on Jesus Christ’s death only for one hour at Mass on Sunday. Bunnies, eggs, baskets and more can become tools that replace the real significance of Easter, can be the very thing that make this Easter full and rich with real meaning.

The most iconic symbols:

The bunny and the Easter eggs have their roots in German Lutheran tradition. The Easter bunny originated as a hare whose purpose was to judge if children were well-behaved at the beginning of Eastertide.

Easter Bunny and eggs

As far as the story goes the bunny wore clothes and carried coloured eggs in a basket, along with candy and toys to bring to good children with obvious parallels to be drawn to Santa Claus’ role at Christmas. The stories of bunnies and eggs during Eastertime had never lost its appeal to children through the intervening centuries. Even with the advent of modern technologies, these ancient traditions continue to survive and play a part in Easter celebrations around the world.

The gospel of Jesus Christ, which is His teachings, death, and resurrection, is the power of God unto salvation. To experience salvation, come to Jesus, repent and forsake sin. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and commit your life to Him. Then through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can love and forgive all people, even your enemies. As Christians continue in faithful obedience, Jesus gives power to live victoriously over sin.

Easter is the commemoration of Jesus Christ’s victory over death. Easter Sunday is also known as Resurrection Sunday.The week before this, is known as the Holy Week. It contains Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Easter Sunday marks the end of the Holy Week. It reminds believers to remember the ultimate sacrifice of the Son of God.

Jesus came to earth with a message of hope. His resurrection symbolizes eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. His love and compassion reached out to everyone, even the outcasts of society. He healed the sick, comforted the distressed, and preached salvation. Easter symbolizes the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught during His three-year ministry on earth. Many received His teachings and followed Him. The religious leaders felt threatened by His message of love and humility, and plotted to kill Him. He was betrayed, arrested, and sentenced to death. As the angry mob followed, Roman soldiers took Jesus up the hill of Golgotha and nailed Him to a wooden cross between two thieves. After Jesus was crucified on the Friday (now known as Good Friday), his body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a tomb. The tomb was guarded by Roman Soldiers and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body.

On the Sunday, the third day after his crucifixion,when Mary Magdalene and her companions went to the tomb after the Sabbath, they were looking forward to anointing Jesus’ body but were greeted instead by an angel who announced to them that Jesus has been raised from the dead. If Jesus did not resurrect, he could have been just a memory to them and a nobody to this present generation. But, the resurrection made Jesus a living presence throughout all generations and eternity.

Following the somber mood of Good Friday which marks the crucifixion of Christ, Easter Sunday is a time of great celebration for Christians.

