POEMS: Rough sleepers | Sunday Observer

POEMS: Rough sleepers

25 March, 2018

That windy night
Moon covered in dark clouds
Rain soaking the earth
They go under the tunnel
Bearing their wet cheeks.
Don’t you hear their yearning?
Can’t you hear their fear in it?
Listen to the silence
Fading away in the distance
It’s hard to break the ice
Through their emotionless eyes
But their worn out face
Say it all in a gaze.
Facing the harsh sun
Hiding behind the shadow of the moon.
Laying on the rough floor
Sitting on the wet grass
They smile over the hurting
Innocently dreaming.
We fear for the future
They fear for the next day.
We all live on the same planet
But there are different worlds,
Many aren’t aware of.

- Punsarani Weerasinghe

Pray, yes pray

Pray for our country pray for it now,
Pray for Sri Lanka the way you know how,
Pray for the people, for those above,
Pray simply, pray for all with love.
Eggs of evil are being hatched,
Under the guise of a political thatch,
When the strong man is gone, a strongman not placed,
Troubles of late Sri Lankan shall face.
Pray for our children from now on,
Pray for the generations that are to come,
For they shall bear the merits and sin,
Of parents score vested in offspring.
There is a dark time, a dark time coming,When S
ri Lankans shall ingest anguish and pain,

Pray without ceasing cry to the Lord,
That Sri Lankans may live in one accord.
God is Love and love is the key,
To God’s own wonderful legacy.
Pray with compassion for it is born of love
Pray, yes pray.
For prayer is also a key.

- G.E .

Donkey’s dignity

Of all four footed beasts
I was called to be,
The carriage for the king of kings,
To enter Jerusalem jubilantly.
He knew where I was to be found
And sent a twain from the twelve,They loos
ened and brought me and my colt

To where He at that moment dwelt.
I, an ass, that men deride,
Their vestments spread upon our way.
And I trod on their scornful pride
On that fateful day.
He honoured and he exhausted me
A lowly knuckle-headed donkey,
Abhorred through all generations
But we travelled together in harmony.
God has chosen foolish things
To put to shame the wise.
God has chosen lowly things
The mighty to despise.
Hosanna! Their cries resounded.
Hosanna! It reverberated.
With joyous sounds and waving palms
Our journey at the temple ended.

- George Eddie

