Sachin maintains top slot | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Sachin maintains top slot

7 January, 2018
Past winners of the Observer Schoolboy Cricketer -Roshan Jurampathi 1986   -Rohan Weerakkody 1987

Sahin Silva of St. Peter’s College who took the lead for the Most Popular Schoolboy Cricketer on first voting from Readers with 235 votes managed to maintain the lead for another week.

On second counting too Sachin received 107 votes the highest number (107) which helped him to stay on top slot. Meanwhile the second placed Dellon Peiris of S. Thomas’ College mount Lavinia too was able maintain the second slot when he gained 48 votes fro Readers. The change that took place last week was the moving of Dinuka Dilshan from tenth position to seventh place. The new addition to the table was Thaveesha Abishek from Richmond College who received 11 votes.

