7 January, 2018

Reading makes a full man. The positive life changing effect that reading can have on society is widely documented.
While being the cornerstone for learning, reading culture is the basis for an educated labour force which is the source of productivity for national development.
An initiative by Minsara Poth Madura Founder Deshamanya Gamini Moragoda, the idea of ‘Book Exchange’ reintroduces the tradition of barter system where people can buy new books in exchange for the ones they have already read.
“The Book Exchange at Minsara book store is a wonderful initiative at low cost,” Gamini Moragoda said. “Readers can avail up to 75% discounts on new books in exchange for the books that are purchased from the book store within 14 days of purchase.
We hope the concept would be an impetus for improving reading habit and culture.”