TRIBUTES | Sunday Observer


19 November, 2017

Dr. Sarath Abeykoon:  A true server of the Hippocratic oath

I pen these words with deep regret and sorrow on the sudden and untimely demise of Dr.Sarath Abeykoon, oncologist whom our family has known for many years, been a close associate, who was eminent in his field, honourable in his deeds and an honest person with amiable qualities. He was a caring doctor who strove in his entire life to treat terminal patients, both, in Government service and private practice.

We could count on him without hesitation, as a professional who practised and kept to the very word of the Hippocrates’ Oath. We are ever so grateful and appreciative of him for the special dedication and caring shown to our late mother during the time of her illness as far back as 1982 . We and so many other families owe him gratitude, for the longstanding medication, given with a human touch and caring, and extended with a continuous support. As the world is aware and all those present at the cemetery bear testimony to the respect and the regard of the masses who paid their last respects until the coffin was closed, which was embodied with simplified last rites and an unforgettable, exceptionally short funeral oration for such a highly respected personality.

His demise is a great blow and a loss to the medical fraternity and the patients, as the vacuum left by him will take many more years to be filled due to his indispensable contribution to society.

We extend our deepest sympathies to his beloved wife, Dr. Lakshmi and daughter Dr. Chathuri.

May he attain the Supreme bliss of Nirvana.

Senaratne Family

Berty Galahitiyawa:  A walking encyclopedia


With the demise of Berty Galahitiyawa we lost a well experienced media person and a sincere friend.

Berty was an unassuming, humble man. He was a good reader, listener and a conversationalist. His kind, genuine, loving smile we will never forget.

He had his education at the Thalatuoya Central College and the Nugawela Central College. He followed a Diploma course in Journalism at the Sri Jayawardenapura University. Later he joined the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. He was a popular newscaster. We will always remember his clear voice, reading news bulletins over the Radio.

He won a government scholarship to West Germany to follow an advanced course in Broadcasting and Media.

He produced news features such as, the ‘Sanida Saadaya’ ‘Hela Urumaya’ ‘Guwane Mithuro’ to Radio programs. He was promoted to the position of Director, Training Division of the S.L.B.C.

Berty was a pioneer member and President of ‘Carl Duisburg Geselchaft Alumni Association of Sri Lanka and the German Trained Professionals’ Association of Sri Lanka. His services and guidance was very valuable to the Association which organized seminars, workshops, lectures and excursions (Educational) funded by the German Government. His honesty and trustworthiness was appreciated by the German Embassy in Sri Lanka. He was an active member from its inception and continued to be in its executive council until his demise.

Recognizing his valuable contribution to the media he was appointed as General Manager of the Independent Television Network (I.T.N.) which he held for 3 years from 2004. He was the head of the Sri Lanka section at the Beijing Broadcasting services in China. He was a devoted Buddhist, a devoted husband and father.

May he attain supreme bliss of Nibbana.

A.D.T. Maithripala. 
