Dr. Pandit Amaradeva -Golden voiced prodigy
Death never comes telling its date, so was
The sudden death-news of Dr. Pandit Amaradeva
That shook the nation, shocking everyone,
On the 3rd of November, 2016!
Born in 1927, during the colonial rule of Ceylon,
To a Buddhist father and a Christian mother,
As Wannakuwattavaduge Don Ignoris Perera,
But came to be alive in the heart of the nation
As Amaradeva, as baptised to be later!
Amaradeva grew up, in his home background,
As a musically gifted child, having an inspiration
From his parents, evolving through his career,
That backed him to be in the limelight later on.
‘Pandit’ was the title conferred upon Amaradeva
By Bhatkande University, which is bestowed
Upon the students, considered to be eminent,
Thus he came to be called ‘Pandit Amaradeva’.
Influenced by Ananda Samarakone and Sunil Shantha,
Pandit Amaradeva was in search of music, unique of SL,
Fusing Western harmonies with oriental music forms,
Succeeding as an imaginative, but innovative singer,
Composer, performer, lyricist, violinist and so on!
Ashokamala, Sri Lankan second talkie, opening up
Access to Amaradeva to be a musician and an actor,
Even in the cinematic line, where its music director rated
The musical prodigy as the best violinist in his orchestra!
Amaradeva’s voice indeed is music to the ears that touches
The heart so fascinatingly, expressing deep emotions,
When it is being modulated beautifully by his golden voice,
Arresting attention to every nuance of his thoughts
And feelings, in a soft sweet cadence that one could find
No match or a substitute for this great maestro!
A musical genius and a recipient of numerous
Awards and accolades, including three doctorates
That could even add lustre to his name and fame.
Amaradeva had his unique style of singing, contributing
Tremendously to the heritage of local and world music,
Of course, the time of his outstanding service should be seen
As a glorious page in the history of Sinhala music and culture,
Crowning Pandit Amaradeva a treasure of Sri Lanka!
- U.L.M. Ismail
S. N. Wijepala-A Guru of Valuation
S. N. Wijepala, who initially obtained the Diploma in Valuation at the Ceylon Technical College went on to obtain the BSc. Degree in Estate Management at the University of London, England. Later, he was awarded the MSc. Degree in Urban Land Appraisal by the University of Reading, England.
He was also a Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, England.
Wijepala joined the Valuation Department in 1959 and held the post of Chief Valuer at the time of his retirement from Government Service, in 1996.
He was a Fellow Member of The Institute of Valuers of Sri Lanka and its President at the time of his passing away on November 11, 2016.
He served as President for nearly 18 years. During his time in the Government Service and the Institute, he rendered yeoman service for the progress of valuation as a profession.
Having represented the valuation profession within the Organisation of Professional Associations (OPA) for several years, Wijepala was serving as Vice President of the OPA at the time of his demise.
He was also, founder Vice President of the Chamber of Construction Industry in Sri Lanka.
He has served as a visiting lecturer for BSc. in the Town Planning program conducted by the University of Moratuwa, and at the time of passing away, he was a visiting lecturer for MSc. in Real Estate and Valuation program conducted by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Wijepala is considered the Guru of Valuation to over 80% of persons engaged in the profession, in Sri Lanka.
Above all, he was a humble person who taught honesty and integrity by example to all who studied and served under him as well as to those who knew him.
He is dearly missed by his students, colleagues, friends and family.
May he attain Nirvana.
Saman Sudurikku