Thalassaemia patient needs help | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Thalassaemia patient needs help

5 November, 2017

Fifteen-year-old B.M.R.D. Basnayake, has been diagnosed with Major Thalassaemia which requires immediate bone marrow transplant for a potential cure.

Consultant Haematologist Dr. Lallindra Gooneratne of Asiri Central Hospital will perform the procedure, the Bone Marrow Transplant, a facility available at the Asiri Central Hospital.

A surgery of this nature is estimated to cost around Rs. 4,000,000, inclusive of hospital charges, equipment charges and professional fees.

Since the parents are unable to find the funds they appeal to the generous public for contributions which may be remitted to A/c No. 81422168- Bank of Ceylon, Alawwa. Contact No. 0714030990. 
