A prudent move | Sunday Observer

A prudent move

29 October, 2017

I have waited for years to listen to these sweet words: “Government considers restricting the import of three wheelers”. A highly commendable move, even if it is at least a decade too late. Someone made a monumental blunder way back in 1978 by permitting the import of three wheelers, a fundamentally unsafe contraption on three wheels, made worse by local modifications.

Let’s get one thing straight – there are far too many of them on our streets. They are more than enough for ‘hires’. With nearly two million three wheelers buzzing around, there are simply not enough customers. Moreover, three wheelers have become a social menace – most young men would prefer to buy or operate a three wheeler, rather than doing any economically important job. We have often seen three wheelers idling at stands without any passengers most of the time, with able-bodied young men wasting their time inside. This is another reason why the Government must be commended for trying to limit the minimum age for three wheeler hiring operations to 35, quite apart from the safety factor.

Three wheelers have also become a big nuisance to other road users. It is almost impossible to find a disciplined three wheeler driver. The three wheelers whizz in and out of traffic, change lanes abruptly, do abrupt u-turns in the middle of traffic, squeeze into whatever space is available in between other vehicles and generally perform many other feats which are not in the realm of road rules. Reckless, high speed driving is another factor. We have seen many accidents involving three wheelers – and in most instances, the three wheeler driver is at fault.


Most three wheeler drivers do not even possess a valid driving licence. They are mostly undisciplined and rude to passengers. A large number of accidents are caused by reckless three wheeler drivers who rank on par with private bus drivers in breaking all known road rules. Structurally, a three wheeler is not a very safe vehicle and with our three wheeler drivers’ propensity for overloading, accidents do happen regularly. Three wheelers simply do not fit in with the country’s plans to become one of the most advanced economies in Asia. It is time they faded away from the scene.

So how do we ensure that they fade away? The Budget 2018 will give the Government a good opportunity. Duties on three wheelers should be increased to at least 250 percent, making them virtually unattractive. There is already speculation that the Government intends to drastically reduce duties and taxes on small cars below 1,500 CC and also electric cars, which is a wise move.

Nano and Alto class cars are already popular as taxis – the lower duties will make them even more attractive for taxi companies and individuals. If the price difference between cars and three wheelers is minimal, no one will opt for three wheelers and they would simply die a natural death. There is a dire need to eventually replace the three wheelers with a proper taxi service. The Government should consider granting tax concessions to genuine taxi fleet operators who wish to order, say, 50 or more sub 1,000 CC cars in one consignment for use exclusively as taxis. This can also apply to app-based ride sharing services such as Uber, though these cars are mostly owned by individuals, not companies.

There is an argument that the three wheelers are used as a family vehicle in rural areas. This is indeed true. With the Government planning to reduce extra duties on small cars and also permit the import of Indian-made Quadricycles (almost a three wheeler but with four proper wheels and four doors and therefore much safer), that concern can be laid to rest. There is, of course, no ban proposed on the use of private three wheelers by those under 35 – that applies only to those drivers accepting paying passengers.

In the grand scheme of things, a good taxi service is a sine quo non for a country that seeks to join ‘developed’ ranks. Let’s not forget the fact that taxis are a prime component of a good public transport system. Hopefully, in another decade or so, Sri Lanka will have a world-class taxi system whereby you will be able to catch one easily anywhere, anytime, just like with today’s three wheelers.

In the meantime, the Government has taken some steps to regulate the wayward three wheeler industry, such as insisting on fare meters. New three wheelers also come with a full barrier on the right hand side to ensure that passengers cannot step out to the right side, where they can be knocked down by vehicles. But some three wheeler operators seem to have removed this structure. Such actions should be made illegal. Owners and drivers of older three wheelers should be encouraged to instal such structures.

It will be a tall order, but Police should also check for modifications such as enabling “u-turns on a dime”, which is done by breaking the front wheel lock. Some police stations have taken the initiative to register the three wheelers that ply in their areas. Some local bodies too have taken similar action. All three wheeler operators must also be compelled to display their ID information on the back of the driver’s seat and instal fare meters. The powerful three wheeler operators’ union must start this process from within.

There are several other issues that the authorities should tackle, along with the three wheeler community. Safety, discipline and driver training are just three of them. These three issues are closely interlinked, though it is worthwhile to ponder on each separately. Three wheeler owners and drivers must keep their vehicle in top mechanical condition at all times. Mechanical failures can lead to fatal accidents.

Falling out

Overloading of three wheelers is quite common. It is designed for three passengers and the driver, but we have seen eight or more people literally falling out of three wheelers. (There are some bigger three wheelers which can legally accommodate more than four occupants, but they are rare). Overloading is grossly unsafe, both from personal safety and insurance viewpoints and laws should be enacted to prevent it. By the way, just how many three wheelers even have “full” insurance or insurance for passengers? All these issues should be addressed without delay. A proper training program that includes good driving techniques and road discipline for new three wheeler drivers is vital. This should be part of an envisaged regulation process.

In the end, three wheelers really don’t mesh with an economy that aspires to reach greater horizons. It is time to think of a time frame for phasing them out altogether, at least from the urban areas. This will also address many safety issues currently associated with three wheelers.
