Bharat Sanskriti Yatra | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Bharat Sanskriti Yatra

3 September, 2017

The Indian Cultural Centre, (ICC) Colombo will present an evening of Indian Dance and Music (classical and folk) by renowned artistes of the Hindustan Art & Music Society from Kolkata, India, at the ICC Auditorium, 16/2, Gregory’s Road, Colombo 7, on September 8 at 6.30 pm .

The Hindustan Art & Music Society was established in 2010 by the great maestros of Indian Music with a view to popularize and teach Indian classical and folk music among the masses in India. The basic object of the Society has always been to promote Indian culture through vocal music, instrumental music, dance, and organize systematic training of art forms in India and abroad. The cultural evening will commence with Darbar – a vocal and santoor recital by Balwant Puranik, Chandan Mondal, Tina Adhikary accompanied by Pt. Prodenjit Poddar in Tabla. The program will also feature Nrityanjali – an ensemble of Bharatanattyam, Kathak and Mohiniattam and folk dances by Guru Dr. Rakhi Roy and group. 
