Letters to the Editor | Sunday Observer

Letters to the Editor

13 August, 2017


The GMOA is on a never ending warpath over SAITM and they seem not to settle for anything less than their pound of flesh, i.e, the closure of this institution.

Interestingly and more curiously, the GMOA failed to focus their attention on this issue even though this institution was established several years ago with the blessings of the previous Government.

Reasons are obvious. It is a well-orchestrated plan to embarrass the Govt.

It is high time the President steps in and puts an end to this unholy trend, at whatever the cost. Enough is enough.

These ad-hoc strikes are causing misery and untold hardships to patients, students and the public. The Minister of Health can as a last resort resolve this problem by:

(a) Making arrangements for private medical students to sit all examinations conducted for students of the Colombo Medical Faculty

(b) At present the foreign qualified medical graduates are subjected to an examination before they are registered in the SLMC. The same procedure can be applied to SAITM students too.

The doctors are educated at state expense and enjoy all the perks and facilities never enjoyed by any other public officer in Sri Lanka.

Yet, they are the most frequently striking trade union in Sri Lanka.

Shame! This type of politically motivated strikes are never heard of in any other part of the world. The doctors have nothing to lose by their strikes.

They are on full pay during strikes, enjoy a nice holiday and are busily engaged in private practice.

