SSC AGM on Friday 23 | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

SSC AGM on Friday 23

18 June, 2017

The Annual General Meeting of the Singhalese Sports Club is scheduled to take place on Friday the 23rd of June 2017 at 7.00 p.m at the club premises.

Some important and significant resolutions proposed by the House is to be taken up for VOTE, interalia, to draw the clubs entire power requirements from renewable sources of energy to ensure sustainability and social responsibility.

If the resolution is adopted the SSC would be perhaps the first sports club in Sri lanka to draw all its power requirements from renewable sources of energy and this endeavour reinforces the clubs leadership position in sports, sustainability and social responsibility.

Adoption of this resolution requires the co-operation and support of the voting members and due to the recent postal strike some of the members may have not got the proposed resolution or the annual report. 
