Program to screen kidney patients | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Program to screen kidney patients

11 June, 2017

A large number of people have fallen victim to the kidney disease and the root cause has not been identified. It is the need of the hour to extend every possible assistance to resolve this scourge which has badly affected the paddy cultivators, the asset of the country.

Consequently, screening programs organised by the Presidential Task Force for prevention of Kidney Disease with the active participation of Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine, Provincial offices of Director of Health Services in the NCP, divisional offices of director of health services, Anuradhapura and other institutions, will be held at the Mahavilachchiya divisional secretary’s division from May 22 to July 24. A list of locations where kidney issues are diagnosed is given.

Screening Program – Maha Vilachchiya, Divisional Secretary’s division

June 13 - Ulukkulama Viharaya, 17 Post community centre, Randuwa Pemaduwa G.S.s office

June 15 - Randuwa Cultural Centre, 17 Post Community Centre Randuwa

June 15 - Yaya 4 – Viharaya

June 19 - Yaya 4 – Viharaya Palugaswewa, Palugaswewa Community Centre, Ashoka Magama community centre

June 20 - Yaya 5 – Viharaya Mannar Junction, Yaya 6 – Viharaya

June 22- Yaya 5 – Viharaya

June 27 - Ethdathkalla Viharaya, Aliwanguwa community centre Ethdathkalla, Gulapettawewa Viharaya

June 29 - Ethdathkalla Viharaya, Ethdathkalla, Gulapettawewa Viharaya

June 29- Vannihelewa Viharaya Navodagama

July 3 - Oyamaduwa Clinic,Piyasena’s house, Oyamaduw, OyamaduwaPerumkulama Viharaya

July 4 - UNDP office, Meda Oyamaduwa Community Centre Oyamaduwa Maningamuwa Viharaya.

July 6 - Bandaragama Viharaya, Navodagama, Bandaragama Vihara com.centre, Thuppitiyawa Clinic.

July 10 - Thuppitiyawa Clinic, Thuppitiyawa, Godagahawewa Community Hall, Kumaradasa’s House, Siyambalagaswewa.

July 11 Kimbulwewa community centre, Thuppitiyawa

July 11 - Sandamaleliya Viharaya, Sandamaleliya

July 13 - CSD Camp, Thambiyawa, Meda dangaswewa community centre

July 17 - Sathyawadi community centre, Nelumwila

July 18 - Eksath death donation, Nelumwila Society hall

July 20 - Tanthirimale Raja Maha Viharaya Thanthirimale Medawachchi Eliya community centre, Amaratunga’s house, Ruwangama

July 24 - CSD camp, Bogoda Dematamalwewa, Dematamalgama community centre Kalwepotana Community Centre. 
