The Meethotamulla tragedy is yet another outcome of the shameless dirty business of money making by politicians at the expense of human lives, the development of which politicians of all kinds in this country have promised and won their votes, and are holding on to their seats.
This view of the general public has been affirmed by a no lesser person than the Auditor General, when he alleged that the garbage collection as well as its disposal had been turned into a mega business at the expense of helpless people.
It has been well exposed over the years how those politicians who have earned the name of “Magodis” are still being tolerated by the people, to whom they must be thankful.
The Meethotamulla garbage problem could have been solved long ago, had they wanted it, foregoing the lucrative project, as the Auditor General has outspokenly put it, as he further asserted that it will never be solved as it is beneficial for some to continue with it.
It is the same with many other burning issues in the country.
Whether it is a land issue, irrigation and agricultural, law and order, resettlement, or reconciliation, those issues will be turned upside down and interpreted for the benefit of the politicians, rather than for the nation or the sovereignty of the country.
There is no rule of law in the country, while it is the very concept being misused in different projects of different politicians, for their benefit, at the expense of the nation.
The Meethotamulla tragedy still reeks with corruption with the leaking of the shameless dirty business of profiteering out of the coffins.
It will soon be a turning point and a backlash for all the mega business of politicians at the expense of the nation.
Gallege Punyawardana
Swarna Hansa Foundation